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Maci's POV
Brantley and I have been married now for a couple months, and he is now back on the road. It's been almost 3 weeks since I've seen my husband and I miss him more everyday. Right now, I'm in the waiting room at the doctors office, waiting to find out the sex of the baby. I wish Brantley was here for this, but I plan on surprising him once I find out. "Maci Gilbert." I hear a nurse call my name and I make my way to the back. The nurse checks my blood pressure and heart rate before walking out to get the doctor. "Good morning Maci. How are you feeling today?" The doctor asks when she walks in 10 minutes later. "I feel so good. No sickness or anything." I tell her honestly with a smile. "No Brantley today?" "No, he's in Kansas City for a show tonight. I have a flight booked for when I leave here, so hopefully little one cooperates." "Well, in that case, let's not waste anymore time.

I literally just landed in Kansas City and I'm looking around for PJ. I see him standing by the exit, and I quickly make my way that direction. "How on earth did you sneak out without my husband seeing you?" I ask hugging him. "He has just started VIP when I left, so we have to hurry. He will be done soon." PJ says, helping me in the truck. "You'll be on the bus until he gets on stage." He adds, as we start driving. "Sounds perfect. I wanna change outta my sweats." I say with a laugh. It's not long before we pull up to the venue and I'm getting on the bus.

Brantley's POV
I just finished my VIP session and I'm heading to my dressing room to get ready for the show. I check my phone to see that I have a text from Maci, and I can't help but smile. I open the message and my smile gets wider. "I found out the sex of the baby today. Call me after the show. I love you and kick some ass baby." I send a quick reply and then change my shirt, before going to get hooked up.

I've been on stage for awhile now, and it's time to slow things down. I grab my stool and move it to the middle of the catwalk. I start singing Outlaw In Me, and my mind instantly goes to Maci. I'm trying not to show it, and put on a happy face, but I'm upset that I wasn't with Maci today. That was not something I wanted to miss. I finish the song and go straight into My Kinda Crazy. I have decided that after my show tonight, I'm flying home to see my wife. I'll have to leave her again tomorrow night, but it will be worth it. After I finish my song, I walk over to set my stool down, and I see the most amazing thing standing side stage. I quickly run over to Maci and kiss her. "I'm so happy you're here. I'll see you after the show." I kiss her again before running back on stage to finish my show.

Maci's POV
I clearly didn't hide as well as I thought I did. Brantley runs back out on stage and I can't help but laugh at how happy he is now. PJ is standing next to me protectively and he's laughing along with me. "I must say that you are glowing tonight my dear." PJ says with a smile. "Thank you PJ. You're so sweet." When I get here, I changed into a strapless, striped, maxi dress, and it really shows off the baby bump. It has really popped out in the last few weeks. Brantley finishes his show and comes running off stage. "Let me shower and make it through meet and greet and then I'm all yours baby girl." He says as we walk towards his dressing room. "Take your time baby. I'll meet you on the bus. I'm getting tired and my feet hurt." "Ok baby. I love you." "Love you too."

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