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Maci's POV
It's been a couple weeks since I found out that I'm pregnant. Brantley and I went to the doctor and confirmed that everything is fine, but she wants me to take it easy. I'm going with Caroline and Brittany today to go look for wedding dresses and see if I find the perfect one. I have decided that I want two dresses, one for the ceremony and one for the reception. "I want to go and watch you try on dresses." Brantley says pouting. "Brantley Keith! You know you can't with me. That's bad luck." I say walking up and wrapping my arms around him. "You know I don't like surprises." "I know you don't baby. This one will be worth the wait though, I promise." I heard a honk outside, so I kissed Brantley and made my way outside.

"What exactly are you looking for sweetie?" Lisa, my dress consultant, asked. "I know that I want two dresses, one for the wedding and one for the reception. Right now, I'm open to anything." I tell her excitedly. "Alright, well I'll look around and see what I can find, and y'all feel free to browse around and pick some as well." She says with a smile and walks off. Me, Brittany, and Caroline split up and start choosing dresses. After about 15 minutes, we were all loaded down with dresses, and Lisa and I head to the dressing room.

Brantley's POV
The girls are out looking at dresses, and Jason and Luke are at the house with me and we are getting things ready to cookout. Nothing big, just us six relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Maci and I are planning on telling them that she's pregnant tonight. Everyone else knows but them. We are sitting on the back porch, when my phone starts ringing. "Hey baby girl. How's it going?" I ask, answering the phone. "Is it too late elope?" Maci asks, clearly frustrated. "I've tried on like a million dresses, and I can't find anything I like." "Baby, you know that eventually you would regret not having the big wedding that you want. I'm sure you will find the perfect dress. You just need to go out there and pick one for yourself." I tell her reassuringly. "I promise you will find one. I'll see you when you get home. I love you." "I love you too." She hangs up, and I can't help but chuckle. "She freaking out?" Luke asks with a smile. "Yeah. I think I calmed her down." I tell him with a laugh. "All women do that when it comes to picking out a dress. I thought Brittany was going to have a meltdown before she found hers." Jason says, with Luke agreeing. We all make our way inside and start preparing the food for when the girls get home.

Maci's POV
After talking to Brantley, I went and looked through the dresses, one more time, and pick one out myself. I found one that was strapless and had light, but big, ruffles on the bottom. I take it in to the dressing and Lisa helps me change. When she adds the sparkly belt and the veil, I know that I have found my dress. Lisa opens the door and I walk out to show Caroline and Brittany. "Oh my God, that's the one. You found it." Brittany says, tearing up. Caroline dabs her eyes with a smile. "I agree. That's the one." She says. "I found my dress girls! Now just go find the reception dress." I say excitedly. "Try this one." Caroline says, holding out a gorgeous lace dress, that has an open back, and shows lots of leg. I try it in and walk out to the girls. "The search is over, I love it." Once I paid for the dresses, we head to the house to our men.

Brantley's POV
Once the girls walked in, I started the grill and started cooking. I felt arms wrap around me from behind, and I turn around to be met with my fiancé's beautiful smile. "Thank you for calming me down today. I picked out the perfect dress and I can't wait for you to see it." I lean down and kiss her. "I bet you will look beautiful baby girl." I look up at our friends, that our sitting at our patio table and smile. "Wanna go ahead and tell them?" I ask with a smile. "Yes!" She says excitedly, pulling me towards the table. "Maci and I have something to announce. As y'all know, we moved up our wedding, and that's coming up soon, but we did it because we found out that Maci's pregnant." I tell them, and all the girls squeal. "I knew it!" Luke says, as him and Jason stand up. Hugs and tears go around before we all sit down to eat. I finally feel like I have everything I always wanted. I can't wait to start the next chapter of my life.

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