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Maci's POV
It's been a week since the CMA Awards and now Brantley and I are home until after the new year. I'm looking forward to spending some time with the families for the holidays. Brantley is still upstairs sound asleep, and I'm sitting on the back porch swing watching the sun come up. I found out, after the CMA's, that I am pregnant. I've been trying to think of a way to tell Brantley but deep down I'm afraid of how he will react. We haven't been together very long, and we have never even talked about having kids together. "Baby girl, why are you up so early?" I hear Brantley ask from the door, breaking me from my thoughts. "I couldn't really sleep and I didn't want to wake you up. I know you're tired." I say with a smile. I get out of the swing and make my way over to Brantley and wrap my arms around his bare torso. "Let's go back to bed. I wanna cuddle and I need a nap." I tell him with a laugh. He leans down and kisses me softly before following me back upstairs.

Brantley and I woke up about 11:45 and started getting ready for the day. He is over at his mama's house right now spending some time with her and getting some things done around her house. I have taken the opportunity to head to the store and find something that will help me tell Brantley he is going to be a dad. I'm walking through Walmart and stop in the card section to see if I find anything before heading to the baby stuff. I'm looking through all the baby shower cards when I come across an announcement card that makes me laugh. I grab the announcement and make way to the baby section.

"Baby, I'm home!" Brantley shouts as he walks in from the garage. "I'm upstairs! I'll be right down!" I yell as I hurry and wrap his gift before making my way downstairs. "Get everything done over at Mama's?" I ask walking over to sit next to him on the couch. "Yeah. Kolby was there so we got it done pretty quick too. What's that?" He asks when he sees the gift bag and card in my hand. "Oh, I got something for you. I hope you like it." I hand him the bag with a shy smile. As he opens the card, I hold my breath and wait for his reaction.

Brantley's POV
I open the envelope that Maci hands me and I'm kind of nervous because I have no idea what this could be. I pull out the card, and I'm pretty sure my eyes bulge out of my head, when I realize what it says. "Are you serious?" I ask looking over at Maci, who has a nervous look on her face. "Yeah, I took a test before the awards, but I didn't find out for sure until a couple days ago. I was trying to figure out the perfect way to tell you and I was nervous on how you'd react." She tells me with tears welling up in her eyes. "Maci, I'm happy. Yes, this is unexpected, but I can't wait to start this next journey with you." I say reassuringly before kissing her softly. She pulls away with a smile before pulling me into a tight hug. "Open the rest of it." She says with a smile. I dig in the bag and pull out an outfit that has an elephant on it and say "little peanut." I'm holding the outfit in one hand and I have Maci cuddled into my side, at that moment I let the tears fall because I'm realizing, I'm finally getting everything I've always wanted.

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