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Brantley's POV
It's been a few weeks since Maci told me that she was pregnant. We are both still on cloud nine. I had to get on the road to finish the last few of my shows. I'll be home about a week before Christmas. After the first of the year, things will pick up again when The Devil Don't Sleep comes out. Maci has been having pretty bad morning sickness, so she is staying home this time around. "Brantley, it's time to hit the stage brother." My manager says, walking into my dressing room. I go to walk out onstage, and realize how much I really miss having Maci side stage. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and then bounce out onstage.

I'm in the middle of Stone Cold Sober, when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I ignore it and just go on with my show. It's time for my encore, so I'm getting myself pumped up. I decided to do my cover of Motley Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls. I hear the opening chords and bounce back out on stage. I feel my phone start to vibrate again, so I try to hurry and finish my show. I say goodnight to my crowd, and then to rush off stage. I quickly pull my phone out and see I have two missed calls and a voicemail from Maci. She never calls when she knows I'm onstage, this can't be good. Before I call her back, I quickly listen to the voicemail. "Brantley, I know your onstage, but I really need you to answer your phone. I started bleeding and I'm at the hospital. I'm really scared. Please call me." As soon as the voicemail is finished, I call Maci. "What's wrong baby?" I ask when she answers. "The nurse thinks I'm miscarrying. I'm waiting for the doctor to come do an ultrasound. I know we were waiting to tell anymore, but I didn't want to be alone, so I called your mama." "I'm on my way ok. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Maci's POV
The doctor just finished the ultrasound and he couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. I haven't told Brantley yet because he's on an airplane trying to get here. Luckily he has the next two days off, so it wasn't hard to get him here. Mama Becky hasn't left my side and that makes me feel a little better. "Honey, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine." She says hugging me again. I hear the door open, and I look up, and when I see Brantley, I instantly start crying. "I'm here baby girl. What did the doctor say?" He asks looking over at his mom. "I think Maci needs to tell you." Brantley sits down and hugs me. "I'm so sorry. I lost our baby. I'm sorry." I tell him crying harder. I look at him and see the tears in his eyes. "It's not your fault baby. This is not your fault." Brantley just holds me and we both sit there and cry.

I got to come home this morning, but I'm still in a lot of pain. Brantley is on the phone with Jeff and his tour manager, trying to move somethings around. I told him not to, and that I would be fine, but he's not having it. I'm laying on the couch, trying to relax, when Brantley comes back in the room. "How you doin'?" He asks, sitting on the coffee table, so he doesn't disturb me. "I'm cramping quite a bit, but I'm ok. What did Jeff say?" "They decided to cancel the last four shows. I still have to do all my interviews though." He says with a sad smile. "I don't want you to cancel your shows baby. I promise I will be fine." I tell him, starting to cry. "Right now, you are not fine. You need me here and I need to be here. I don't know how to handle all this yet, and I'm having a hard time too." Brantley breaks down in tears for the first time since we've been him. I sit up and pull him onto the couch next to me. "I don't know how long it will take to get over this, or if we even will get over this, but I know that we can work this out together." I wrap my arms around Brantley and cry right along with him.

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