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Maci's POV
"Brantley! I need you!" I tell from the bed. I hear his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. "What's wrong?" He asks in a panic as he runs in the room. "Nothing is wrong, I just can't get out of bed." I say, laughing slightly. I'm about 8 and a half months pregnant and I'm having a hard time getting around. Brantley comes over and helps me out of bed. I stand up and look over at Brantley with a smile. "Thank you baby." I say leaning up to kiss him softly. Before we pull away, I get a sharp pain that makes my knees buckle. "You ok?" Brantley asks. "I think I just had a contraction." "It's too early for that isn't it?" "It could've been a Braxton Hicks but the doctor said I'm fat enough along, that she can come anytime she's ready." I tell him as we start walking downstairs. "We just need to see what happens in the next couple hours." I add. "Promise that you'll let me know if anything feels different?" Brantley asks concerned. "I promise."

We decided to stay home and relax today since I'm having contractions. Every hour I have one and I'm already over it. The doctor said to stay home until either my water breaks or my contractions are 15 minutes apart. "Ow! Here comes another one." I say as I squeeze Brantley's hand. He's rubbing my back and trying to help me breathe through it. "Well, we have hit the 45 minute mark. Every 45 minutes." Brantley says. "I wish I could take some of the pain away baby girl." He adds. "Yeah me too." I tell him with a small smile. I cuddle into Brantley and try to relax before the next contraction hits.

Brantley's POV
It's killing me having to watch Maci in so much pain. Her contractions are about 30 minutes apart now and they are getting stronger. I just helped her into the bathroom and she can barely stand up straight. "Brantley! My water broke!" I hear Maci yell from the bathroom. I walk in there and help her stand up and get changed. "I'm gonna go grab the bags, you start heading out to the truck and I'll be right there." I tell her, trying to stay calm. She starts walking out to the truck and I bolt up the stairs to grab all the bags. I run out the door and toss the bags in the backseat. I climb into the driver's seat and look over at Maci. "Let's go and have us a baby." I tell her with a huge smile. "We are going to have a daughter soon." She says squeezing my hand.

I'm sitting in the room with Maci, trying to calm my nerves. Mama and Kolby have both came in to check on us and Maci's parents are on their way. Maci's contractions are close together now and she's sitting at about 7cm. She is getting irritable and tired and I'm trying to get her to get some rest. Maci finally gets relaxed and is almost asleep when a nurse comes in to check her. I can tell she is frustrated but she lets the nurse do her job. "Mrs. Gilbert, you are at a 10. I'll go get the doctor and you can start pushing."

Maci's POV
I've been pushing for forever. Our baby girl is hard headed. "Ok Maci, I can see the head. I need you to push really hard for me." The doctor says. I take a deep breath and then lush as hard as I can. Brantley is standing next to me cheering me on. "One more push baby. You can do it." He says, kissing my head. "One more good one Maci and your baby is here." The doctor says. I give it my all and push one more time. "Congratulations! It's a boy." Wait what? "A boy? You told us that it was a girl." Brantley said in shock. Brantley and I look at each other and then smile. "It looks like we have a son."

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