Liechtenstein x child reader: Daycare

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3rd Person P.O.V.

France dropped (M/N) off at the door of the daycare. (M/N) was a kicking, crying mess as Liechtenstein took him from his father's arms. "DAD! I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!!" (M/N) screamed, still trying to get out of Liechtenstein's arms and back into his father's. "I'm sorry, mon amor, but daddy needs to get to work." France cooed trying to calm his child. "I hate you, and I hope you know it." (M/N) grumbled as Liechtenstein brought him inside to the other children.

(M/N) stayed near Liechtenstein since he didn't want to meet anyone else. "(M/N)? Why don't you play with the other kids?" Liechtenstein asked as she took a box of coloring books and crayons down from the shelf. "Cause, they're all stupid." (M/N) mumbled. "No, they aren't, and you need to learn to be nicer." Liechtenstein gently scolded. "The kid with white hair is screaming about how awesome he is." (M/N) said while looking at tiny Prussia. "And another is crying about fake pasta being spilt." He went on. "One is wearing a cape and trying to rescue everyone, there's a girl, with a flower in her hair, hitting people with a frying pan, there's another girl, nope, that's a boy, who's holding onto a Hello Kitty plush like it's the end of the world." (M/N) looked up at Liechtenstein. "Want me to continue? Or may I just stay by you?" Liechtenstein shook her head, "No, you don't have to continue."

~~Timeskip to nap time~~

(M/N) tried not to wake the other kids as he left the room to find Liechtenstein. "Liechtenstein!" (M/N) whisper yelled. "(M/N), why aren't you asleep with the others?" Liechtenstein asked as she knelt by the toddler. "Too many people that snore." (M/N) replied. Liechtenstein nodded, "Wanna make something?" "Will it get us in trouble?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "I don't think so." Liechtenstein said as she escorted the small child to the kitchen. "Aren't kids not supposed to be in here?" (M/N) said as he grabbed a chair and pushed it to the counter. "Well, they aren't, but let's just keep this between us." Liechtenstein held out her fist with her pinkie extended. (M/N) sighed, "As long as I don't die," he then completed the pinkie promise.

~~Timeskip to end of baking cookies~~

Liechtenstein put all except one cookie in a bag and handed the bag to (M/N). "Thanks." (M/N) smiled as he hid the cookies in his backpack. "That was fun." Liechtenstein said as she took a bite of the last cookie. (M/N) nodded and zipped his backpack shut. "Maybe we could bake a cake next week." Liechtenstein suggested. (M/N) gave a little thumbs up and put his backpack on. "Dad's gonna be here soon." (M/N) whispered. "Yup." Liechtenstein agreed.

~~Timeskip to Daddy France~~

France held (M/N)'s hand and brought him to their car. "Wait." (M/N) ran to Liechtenstein and tugged on her shirt. Liechtenstein crouched down, and (M/N) gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Remember we are going to make that cake next week." (M/N) whispered. Liechtenstein smiled and nodded. "I'll see you then." (M/N) ran back to France, they drove off while (M/N) was waving goodbye to his new favorite person.

~~Bonus: At Home~~

"(M/N)?" France asked. "Yes, papa?" (M/N) said as he climbed onto his dad's leg. "Where did you get these?" France asked as he held up a bag of cookies that he got from his son's backpack. "Oh, about that." (M/N) grabbed the cookies and ran to his room.


A/N(?): While writing this, I confused Liechtenstein for Lithuania, and now I feel bad.....

Lithuania: I don't look like that much of a girl do I?

Zane (Author): Sorry, Lithie.....

Zane (Author): Sorry, Lithie

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