Russia x Male Reader: Of Ice and Fire

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You had usually avoided people you barely knew, not caring whether or not people had thought you were weird. Well, you tried doing that, but now you were in this situation, Ivan Braginsky was currently protecting you from a gang. It all started yesterday.


"N)! (Y/N)!"

You snapped awake.


"Why are you sleeping now instead of at home?"

"Maybe because this class is about as boring as watching paint dry."

A couple of kids laughed, but you didn't change your expression.

"Oh, really? Solve the problem on the board."

You rolled your eyes, walked up to the board, and took a short look at the said math problem.

"It's a fairly hard problem, so it'll take yo-"


The teacher looked absolutely dumbfounded.

"That should have taken you 10 minutes!"

"Why? Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I'm dumb, condescending bitch."

At that, the teacher snapped, grabbed the closest thing to her, which happened to be some kid's backpack, and threw it at you. You caught the backpack and put it on the floor.

"You're going to have to work on your throws there, teach. Wait, aren't you the softball coach?"

She stomped over to you and tried punching you in the face. You were quick enough to grab her hand, twist it behind her back, and slam her facedown onto the desk in front of you. You leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Fuck. Off."

You let her go and walked out of the classroom to the principal's office.

"Yo, mom. She tried to punch me again."

"Mhm, and what did you do this time?"

"Well, first I was sleeping because I was up all night making this for you," you pulled a small box  out of your backpack and put it on your mother's desk, "I had also called her a condescending bitch, after I told her she needed to work on her throwing because she threw a backpack at me, then she tried punching me. Why don't you guys fire her?"

"Sweetie, you know I can't, I would have to talk to the school board, and they won't do a thing about it because your teacher is the daughter of the head of the board. Do you know if anyone was taking a video of the incident?" 

You shook your head, earning a sigh from your mother. You slowly pushed the box from earlier towards your mother.

"Nothing will pop out at me if I open it?"

"Y'know, I thought I had put something in there that I shouldn't have."

Your mom chuckled and shook her head. As she opened it, three guys came into the room, making it so she had to move the box away from her.

"What happened?"

Multiple people started yelling what had happened.

"Please, one at a time."

A smaller kid with glasses stepped forward to explain what had happened. Apparently, the two bigger kids had gotten into a fight over who was going to date some chick that wasn't there at the time.

"That's heteros for you."

Your mom hit your leg and kept listening to the glasses kid.

"Why don't you let the girl you're fighting over choose between you?"

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