Korea x Male Reader: Flowers For My Lover

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For @Lemnzeyo

(Y/N) hated it, but he had to deal with it, had to deal with Im Yong Soo and Yao always together. If (Y/N) didn't know them, he would've thought they were dating. He was always with Yao grabbing at his boobs and laughing.

(Y/N) slouched in his chair with all of the other German countries, Gilbert just turned to him finding his behavior weird.

(Y/N) tried to deal with it, with him always caring for Im Yong Soo and for Im Yong Soo always caring for Yao. They always did something for each other that they didn't do for anyone else.(Y/N) coughed, his mind starting to fill with worry. (Y/N) shot his hand to his mouth as he had felt a sharp pain. (Y/N) finally coughed up what was making him choke. The texture was weird, it was soft, light, and reminded him of a leaf.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened

"Please no."

"(Y/N), are you alright?"

(Y/N) heard Ludwig ask you. (Y/N) slouched down even more tying to force the flowers back down, it hurt, it hurts so much.

"(Male name) what's wrong aru?" Yao rubbed his back.

Tears spilled out of (Y/N)'s eyes as he quickly got up and ran out of the meeting, obviously getting everyone's attention. He ran down the halls and into the bathroom. (Y/N) sat down on the floor leaning against the wall.

(Y/N) let go of his mouth, letting the flowers drop down to his lap and saliva drip down his chin. Not long after, an angry looking Ludwig barged in.

"(Y/N), vhy'd you run avay, do you know how vorried ve vere?"

He quickly quit his rambling when he saw the vibrant flowers laying in the smaller male's lap and some in his hands.

"(Y/N)....?" he questioned as he slowly walked towards (Y/N).

(Y/N) slid down to the floor feeling extremely weak, letting the flowers fall off of his stomach and into his hands.

"Oh no..." he mumbled.

Ludwig then dropped to the floor as (Y/N) started to cough up more flowers. His body was shaking, what was happening to him.

"It's okay, (Y/N), just hold on."

Ludwig ran into a stall and grabbed a trash can. He handed it to (Y/N) as he felt another fit of violet (flower pun) coughs hit you. He opened your mouth and let the flowers, covered in saliva, fall into the trash can.

"(Y/N), ve need to take you home. I'm going to call Gilbert and let him know."

~~~Time Skip to The Drive~~~

(Y/N)'s coughed were still frequent, but they were less violent than before. (Y/N) was only coughing petals, instead of full flowers, this time. (Y/N)'s head turned to Ludwig as he wiped his chin of the saliva, he was so tired of all the pain and coughing.

"Ludwig, what's going on?"

"(Y/N), you love someone don't you?"

He asked not taking his eyes off of the road. (Y/N) shamefully nodded his head. Another wave of coughs hit him as he continued to cough up more petals. Ludwig rubbed his back, still not taking his eyes off of the road.

"Well, it's called the Hanahaki Disease, I'm surprised you didn't know about it since you like Asian culture so much."

He said a little shaken, he couldn't believe this horrible thing is happening to (Y/N).

"I do remember reading about it, I would sometimes read about one sided lovers before bed, which is weird now that I think about it."

(Y/N) chuckled which he regretted as more petals flew out of his mouth.

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