Poland x Male Reader

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For @ActTasLam

"I was, like, wondering if you, like, want to, like, date me?"

"Sure, Feliks."

"Like, yay!"

Feliks was dating Toris Laurinaitis, of all people he could have dated, like (Y/N), for example. (Y/N) was seething with anger when he heard of Feliks asking Toris out instead of him. He and Feliks had everything in common, they're both gay, they listen to the same music, Born This Way by Lady Gaga is their favorite, they're even bestfriends!

How could Feliks choose someone as boring as Toris over him!? At this time, (Y/N)'s pencil broke from writing so hard in his diary.


"I'm gonna tell Dad you just swore."

"Shut up, ya twerp."

"Right back at ya, homo."

"Is it my fault everyone is less fabulous than me?"

"Oh, really? Even Feliks? He's dating Toris now, y'know."

(Y/N) huffed out air, "I know."

He had to stop himself from breaking his pencil more than it already was.

"Must hurt since you've had a crush on him for, like, ever."

"Layla, I'm going to hit you if you don't get out of my room."

"Woah! You're a little aggressive today. Is it that time of month for you?"

"Fuck off!"

"(Y/N)! Get down here now!"

"Haha, you're in trouble!"

"You too, Layla!"

"Haha, you're in trouble too."

Layla stuck her tongue out at her brother and ran downstairs, (Y/N) followed suit but much slower.

"Took you long enough to get here, Slowking."

"Layla, knock it off."

"Sorry, Papa."

"(Y/N), what did I say about swearing at your sister?"

"Not to do it."

"And Layla, what did I say about bothering your brother?"

"Only do it when you're not home?"

"Layla Marie."

"Not to do it...."

"Why can't either of you follow that simple rule?"

"You try living with her, Dad."

"I lived with her before you even had to, now be nice."

"Yes, sir."

(Y/N)'s father sighed for he hated being called sir. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!"

"(Y/N), you get it. Little Miss Layla and I need to have a talk about her actions."

(Y/N) nodded and left the room to open the door.

"Finally! Geez, you would think you'd be ecstatic to see me!"


"That's the name of your favorite cousin, don't wear it out."

"Dad! Jackson is here! For some reason."

"Let him in."

(Y/N) stepped out of the way so Jackson could get through. Jackson had with him two large suitcases, and he said there were more in his car.

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