King Germany x Male Reader: Kingdom (of) Hearts (Part II)

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Okay, so this isn't actually a Germany x Male Reader story, I just really wanted to get more backstory on Canada and Prussia. Have I mentioned they're my OTP?

"This is where you will be sleeping, you will also be in charge of Prince Gilbert's needs."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Call me Elizabeta."

"Yes, Elizabeta."

"Now, I don't want to freak you out, but Gilbert can be a bit of a handful. He's annoying, careless, and an all around nut job. But don't worry, he's usually tame once he downs a case of beer."

Matthew's eyes widened at the news that he would need an entire case of beer to calm the prince.

"You can put your stuff down on your bed and follow me."

Matthew did as he was told and quickly followed Elizabeta.

"This is the prince's chamber. He doesn't like to be woken up before 10 am, especially after a night of drinking. This doesn't pertain to you as much, but he hardly ever lets any female in his room outside of family. He never meets any of his suitors, but I am hopeful that you will change that."

Just as she was finishing explaining everything, a small child ran around the corner and nearly ran into Matthew.

"Voah! Sorry about zhat!"

"Oh, it's alright, eh?"

"Good afternoon, Prince Ludwig. Aren't you supposed to be at lessons?"

"Don't tell Mom I'm here, but I'm trying to catch a salamander Alice accidentally let loose in zhe castle."

Elizabeta pretended to zip and lock her lips before Ludwig ran past them.

"It is 11:02, so you can wake him up."

"I'll sure try, eh."

Elizabeta gave Matthew a platter of breakfast for the prince, and opened the door for him. The inside of the prince's room was so dark you could hardly see, Matthew is pretty sure he stepped on something's tail. He gently placed the platter on Gil's nightstand. Just as Matthew was about to wake up the prince, a hand reached out, grabbed Matthew, and pulled him under the covers.



Matthew felt the prince's hand cover his mouth.

"I vant to sleep a little longer."

Gil wrapped his arms around Matthew and fell back asleep. They stayed in silence until Gilbert finally woke up.

"Who are you?"

Matthew stared at Gilbert, completely dumbfounded.

"You grabbed me, pulled me into your bed, and you don't even know who I am?"

"Vell, ja."

"Sir, could you please let me go?"

"Mmm, nah."

Gilbert tightened his hold on Matthew and started to go back to sleep. Matthew struggled and squirmed, and finally got away from Gil. He pushed himself backwards a bit too far and fell onto the floor right on his ass. He quickly got up and got Gil's food set out. As he was doing his job, Gil got dressed.

"Your food is ready, so make sure you eat, eh?"

Gil finished buttoning his shirt thanked Matthew, his buttons were in the incorrect holes.

"Hold on."

Before Gil could grab a fork, Matthew turned him around and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Voah, I don't even know your name."

Matthew disregarded the comment and continued fixing his shirt.

"There you go."


Gil whispered.

"Mattie, give me a kiss."

"Gil, not in the middle of a meeting."

Gilbert sighed and coughed up a small amount of blood.

"Gilbert? Are you alright?"

Gilbert chuckled and smiled.

"It's gotten better."

Matthew looked at Gil with concern.

"I'm okay, Mattie."

Matthew left the room and came back with a glass of water.

"Zhank you, Matzhew."


"Matzhew! I'm dying!"

"You only have a slight fever."

"Mattie! Please help me!"

"Get some sleep, eh?"

Matthew grabbed a cold rag, squeezed out the excess water, and put it on Gil's forehead.

"Mattie, give me a kiss."

"Once you get better, eh?"

Gil smiled and held Matthew's hand.

"I love you, Mattie."

"I love you too, Gil."

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~

"He didn't wake up. I feel like it's my fault he's dead because I didn't take care of him as well as I should've. I killed the love of my life. I'm never getting him back."

Matthew started sobbing uncontrollably until he could hardly breathe. Ludwig hugged him and rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him. Matthew regained his composure and wiped the remaining tears off of his cheeks.

"You have to promise me one thing, you love (Y/N) until you can't possibly love anyone more than him."

"I vill, Matzhew."

Matthew smiled and closed his eyes finally drifting away to see Gil.

Alexa, play Despacito. Which ship do you guys prefer? PruCan or RusCan?

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