Spain x Male Reader: Bull Shit

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For MysticMusicalSings

Two white flags. Antonio didn't remember anything after that, he just knew he did a good job. After getting home, he flopped onto the couch. The front door opened, and in came a man carrying grocery bags almost as big as his torso. He carried them to the kitchen with little effort, set them on the counter, and made his way to Antonio.

"I was told you did good today."

"Two white flags."

"I expected nothing less from the famous matador, Antonio Fernández Carriedo."

"Are you mocking me?"

"Maybe a little, but that's besides the point, you need to get up off the couch."

"Why? I like it here, plus, there's enough room that you could join me."

"Ten minutes, that's it."

Antonio smiled and moved to make room for his boyfriend, (Y/N). (Y/N) laid down next to Antonio and snuggled up to him.

"This is nice, but only ten minutes, okay?"

"Yeah, I know, my little tomato."

(Y/N) smiled and buried his face in Antonio's chest. It was warm.

"I would like it if you could come to my next bullfight."

(Y/N) snapped out of his comfort.

"Toni, you know why I can't go."

"It isn't my fault you were banned from an arena because you tried setting the bulls free."

"They're caged like- like animals!"

"That's exactly what they are, tomato."

"That's besides the point."

"I'm not going to be in the arena you were banned from."

"Obviously, someone set it on fire."

"Please? For me?"

"Eh.... Fine, but only one."

Antonio hugged his boyfriend.

"Thank you, tomato."

"We have 9 minutes."


~~~At the Next Bullfight~~~

"I can't believe I agreed to this."

"Well, you did, tomato, and there's no way you can back out now."

(Y/N) groaned.

"I have to go, and you should get to your seat."

"Yeah yeah, bye."

(Y/N) started walking off.

"I love you, tomato!"

"Kiss my ass!"

"I'll do that tonight!"

(Y/N) smiled to himself and went to the seating area.

Everything went as normal, all three matadors killed their first bull, and the first two killed their second, but there was something off about Antonio's last bull. It seemed jerky, and unpredictable, but Antonio was doing just fine until it was time to kill it.

Antonio looked up at (Y/N) as the bull charged, he dodged it but just barely. The bull's horn snagged his sleeve and ripped it off.

"Stupid, hot idiot," (Y/N) muttered to himself.

The bull charged again, and in went the sword, straight into the heart, but it didn't go down that easily. The bull gave a final lunge and gored Antonio's side. Blood from both the bull and Antonio was pouring out onto the sand. Medics ran to help Antonio. (Y/N) ran towards the edge of the seating area and jumped down, he nearly sprained his ankle, but kept running to get to Antonio, he couldn't let him die, not this way. Medics had already gotten Antonio onto a gurney before (Y/N) got to him. They wouldn't let him go near his injured boyfriend.

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