2p France X Police Male Reader: Piece of cake! Right?

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"You know what!? Fuck you! Get the fuck out of my house and never come back! I hope you die in hell, you fucking bastard."

Clothes were thrown out the window, and the door was slammed shut.

"....... What the fuck happened?"

Francois gathered his things and made his way back to his apartment. This was the third time in 4 months that he had been dumped. He sighed and lit a cigarette. A man in dark clothing ran past Francois, he didn't think anything of it until another man ran straight into him, knocking him down.

"I'm sorry! If you have any injuries, my name is Officer (Y/N) (L/N)."

(Y/N) quickly got up and continued to run after the fiend. Francois took a moment before getting up himself. He snuffed out his cigarette and continued on his way.

"I seem to have broken my ass, can you check? Jeez, I'm a sad excuse of a human being."


"Two eclairs and a dozen croissants, please."

"Coming right up, monsieur."

Francois grabbed a bag and started on the man's order. He finished and proceeded to go to the next person. Without looking up from his notepad, he asked the customer for his order. A familiar voice answered.

"How about a box of apology macrons?"

Francois looked up from his notepad and looked into the eyes of Officer (Y/N) (L/N).

"What kind?"

"What's your favorite?"


"Then I'll get those."

"I don't sell any."

"I'll get chocolate, then."

"White, milk, or dark?"


"I'll go get them."

(Y/N) watched as Francois filled his order, he then looked around the bakery. Besides himself, there where no customers in the shop at the time.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Is your shop always this empty?"

Francois sighed and looked at (Y/N).

"If you're going to make fun of me, get out."

(Y/N) put his hands up in defense.

"I didn't mean it like that! I was just wondering if you've ever gotten your name out there."

"That's the last thing I'd want to do. I make enough as is to pay the bills."

Francois places the box of macrons in front of the police officer.

"11.52, please."


Francois took the money and put it in the register.

~~~30 minutes~~~

"Why are you still here?"

"You haven't taken the macrons, I bought them for you."

"Number one rule of baking, never get fat on your own supply."

"Isn't that for drug dealers?"

"I'm not taking these."

"Then let me feed you."

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