Germany x Male Reader: White Christmas

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First of all, DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING HARD IT IS TO FIND A GOOD CHRISTMAS PICTURE OF ONLY GERMANY!? I HAD TO PUT A STICKER FROM SNAPCHAT ON THIS DUMB, but hot, FUCKING PICTURE OF HIM!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL PAY SOMEONE TO FUCKING MAKE A GOOD FUCKING PICTURE OF GERMANY DURING CHRISTMAS, preferably him wrapped up in bows and ribbons, but you don't have to do that. ANYWAY, enjoy!!!! And just a forewarning, there is abuse in this.

(Y/N) hummed happily to himself as he set up Christmas lights all around his home, he made sure to wear layers as to not catch a cold or have anyone see his bruises.

"(Y/N)! Get your ass back in here and make me a drink!"

(Y/N)'s humming immediately stopped and he slowly made his way down the ladder.

"Hurry up, just because I brought you into this world, that doesn't mean I can't take you out of it!"

(Y/N)'s foot slipped off the rung, he was on the last rung. He silently praised God's divine message to Elizabeta and quicky got back into the house, he didn't realize that someone was watching him.

"This isn't how you make my favorite drink!"

(Y/N) flinched as a raised hand came down onto his cheek, the force knocked him onto the ground.

"Get up, I didn't hit you that hard, wimp."

(Y/N) must've taken too long to get up because he felt a pointed toed shoe hit him in the gut, knocking him onto his back. His witch of a mother crouched down and whispered into his ear.

"If I had known you were this much of a disappointment, I would've gotten that abortion like your grandmother wanted me to."

She took the cigarette out of her mouth and put it out on (Y/N)'s neck. While (Y/N) was screaming in agony, his mother poured herself a drink and sat on the couch.

"Oh, quit your whining, just be happy I haven't thrown you out on the streets like I did to your father."

(Y/N), trying to calm himself down, reached down to his abdomen, it felt wet. He looked at his hand and only saw red. (Y/N) made his way to the bathroom and quickly patched up his wound.

"Get me an Advil while you're in there! You gave me such a headache at only 7 am!"

(Y/N) looked in the mirror and brushed away a few stray tears, he opened the cabinet  and gave the witch the bottle. She took 5 and washed it down with whiskey.

"What are you standing around for? Go finish the decorations."

(Y/N) grabbed his coat and left the room.

"Dumbass kid, hopefully he has enough sense in him to not be gay like his father."

(Y/N) got back to where he was, but every time he tried humming, he only cried harder. He refused to hum anymore that day.

"Hey, are you okay?"

(Y/N) nearly fell down the ladder again. He looked over to see his neighbor whom he had only talked to once.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Vould you like some help?"

(Y/N) looked at the decorations and then at Ludwig.

"Ah, I better not, Mom gets mad if I make other people do the work for me."

"Do you not know vhat help is?"

(Y/N) stared at Ludwig for a second.

"Oh! That was an actual question!"

Ludwig reached up and lightly touched (Y/N)'s face. He didn't want to ask about the burn mark on his neck.

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