England X Male Reader: Thanksgiving with your FACE

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(For 1-800-YoureNowGay)

Arthur, your boyfriend, had just been invited to Alfred's Thanksgiving party, and you were gonna be his plus one. Nobody knew that you were dating Arthur, but by the time the party would end, everyone would know.


(M/N) turned in his sleep. Arthur pulled the covers off of (M/N), ultimately making him fall off the bed.

"Arthur....... why....?"

"Because we're gonna be late if you don't get ready now."


"The only buts I want coming out of your mouth are compliments on mine. Now, get up before I leave you here with out any food."

"At least I can cook......"

"Excuse me?"

(M/N) quickly got dressed and ran to the car. Arthur followed suit but in a much neater way.

~~~Time Skip to Alfred's House~~~

(M/N) and Arthur stepped out of the car to see a very elaborate turkey statue in the front lawn of Alfred's house.   (M/N) stood in awe of the almost national bird while Arthur had to drag him inside. Inside, there were leaves everywhere, they were fake, of course, but that didn't stop people from being annoyed by them.

Arthur showed (M/N) to a seat near the window, where, I might add, (M/N) could see the giant turkey statue. As Arthur tried to find Alfred, Francis and Matthew came up to (M/N).

"Ohonhon, now who is this lovely creature?" Francis said as he kissed (M/N)'s hand.

"H-he came with Arthur, I-I think."

"I'm (M/N), Arthur's friend."

It pained (M/N) not being able to talk about dating Arthur.

"(M/N)...... (M/N)...... Wait, are you the  one that the black sheep of Europe talks about when he's drunk?"

(M/N) looked up at Francis.

"He talks about me when he's drunk?"

"A-all the time, i-it's actually pretty cute how he talks about you as if he loves you."

(M/N) blushed but quickly tried to hide it since Arthur came back to the table with Alfred.

"Hello, Matthew. Frog."

"Dude! Who's this!?"

"Alfred, mind your manners. He's my...." Arthur looked at (M/N), "boyfriend."

This time, (M/N) couldn't hide his blush, and the other guys couldn't hide their amazement.

"Ohon, you really got yourself a looker didn't you, Black Sheep?"

"Hands off, bloody Frog."

Alfred and Matthew didn't say anything, but instead, they looked back and forth between (M/N), Arthur, and each other. To cease their doubt, Arthur put his hand on (M/N)'s chin and kissed him.

Let's just say that, the turkey wasn't the only thing stuffed that night.                     ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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