Germany x Jewish Male Reader: A War On Your World

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For my best customer, The-Nice-Dalek

Before we start, I do not intend to offend anyone, if you are in fact Jewish and I mess something up, please, please, please do not hesitate to correct me. Without further ado, let's get this party a-rockin.

Heart pounding, breath ragged, (Y/N) ran as far and as fast as he could from that hell. He was almost in the clear when he ran into something, or rather, someone. (Y/N) stared up at the man, clearly horrified.

"Sir! Please don't take me back there! I'll do anything!"

The man didn't say anything but instead inspected the runaway. He noticed the clothing of the man, he recognized the baggy clothes anywhere.

"Come vith me."

Ludwig grabbed (Y/N)'s arm, not tightly, but it was still sudden. (Y/N) pleaded with the man and begged him not to take him back. Ludwig checked his surroundings and quickly shoved (Y/N) into a bush. Ludwig tried to look calm and lit a cigar. A few nazi officers ran past him, and once they were out of sight, Ludwig helped (Y/N) out and brought him to a small hut in the woods.

"What is this place?"

"I don't know, I claimed it vhen ve first came."

"Claimed it or stole it?"

"I am no zhief."

"Maybe there was a family here!"

"Zhere vas nobody here."

(Y/N) sighed.

"Thank you for not bringing me back there. I really owe you one. I can't do much, but I know a little bit about cooking."

"Zhat vould be nice."

(Y/N) smiled, and Ludwig could only imagine what kind of hell he would be in had he not brought him here.

"What's your name?"

"Ludwig Beilschmidt."

"I'm (Y/N)!"

"Vhat is your number?"

"My number? I don't have one, but I saw some of the stronger guys had one."

Ludwig immediately embraced him, and (Y/N) was confused. Jews without a number were unfit to work and sent to the chambers immediately.

"Okay," (Y/N) pushed Ludwig away, "that's enough of that."

There was a knock on the door. Ludwig shoved (Y/N) in a closet and opened the door.



"Have you seen a little Jewish boy? He's about zhis tall." (Clearly gay, but we haven't had the talk yet)

"Come to zhink of it, I believe I did. I saw him near zhe river, ja."

"Come show us vhere you saw him."

Ludwig nodded and led them to the river. (Y/N) waited until he couldn't hear footsteps before walking out of the closet.

"Going somevhere?"

(Y/N) whipped his head around but didn't see anyone. He heard another voice and followed it to Ludwig's packset.

"Oh, goodness."

(Y/N) turned the machine off and made his way to other rooms in the home. He found a kitchen, Ludwig's bedroom, and a room of children's toys. (Y/N) ran his hand across a small rocking horse and shot his head up when he heard the door open.

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