Canada x Male Trans Reader: dog food lid backwards

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Warning: Brief mentions of suicide and abuse

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Well, um, y'know how you always say that God loves me no matter what?"


"Will he still love me even though I'm trans?"

(Y/N)'s parents stood in disbelief as their child of 17 years told them he was trans. (Y/N)'s father was the first to react.

"Of course, he fucking won't. He made to perfectly, why the fuck do you have to change yourself!?"

"Dear, language."

"If he made me perfectly, then why do I feel like killing myself every time Mom makes me wear a dress to go to church? Or when you put so much emphasis on me being your little girl!? Why should I have to fit into your ideas of what I should be!?"

"Because that's how you were born! I will not have my daughter thinking she's a boy for any longer!"

"Then you won't have one at all!"

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

"And you call yourself a Christian, you're tossing away your only child for something minor!"

(Y/N) felt his father's hand fall on his face. He quickly brought his own hand up to numb the pain.

"Don't you fucking dare tell me I'm not a good Christian. You're the one going against God's will. Now leave before I call the cops."

(Y/N) looked to his mother for a sign of compassion, but she hid her face before he could find anything. (Y/N) ran to his room to get his things before leaving. He ran for as long as he could and didn't stop until his legs have way. He was too busy running before to even cry, but now that he was stopped, that's all he could do. (Y/N) was crying so much that he couldn't see the giant white dog bouncing towards him.

The dog started licking (Y/N)'s tears away. After (Y/N) had finished crying and was finally able to see, he wrapped his arms around the dog and thanked him.

"Hey, Kumajiro."

"Hey, it's been a while, eh? Are you okay? Kuma didn't hurt you at all did he? He's a lot bigger now than when you last saw him, it's been what, a year now?."

(Y/N) looked up at Matthew and shook his head.

"Oh geez, that's a relief. Hey? Are you okay? You look horrible! I mean, that's rude of me to say, I'm sorry. Now I'm flustered, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I keep apologizing. Sorry. Gah! I keep doing it!"

(Y/N) forgot he was crying a minute ago and started laughing, he kept laughing until he couldn't breathe.

"I'm glad, I got you to laugh. Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did but sure."

"Oh, har har. Why do you have such a big bag on you?"

"Oh, um, I'm hiking?"

"In the middle of town?"

(Y/N) sighed and stood up.

"I was kicked out of my house, so I'm alone for the night until I can figure out where to go."

"Oh, you can come to my house! Wait, no, you probably think that's weird. I'm not trying to do anything to you. I'm sorry, I'm rambling, sorry."

"I'll take whatever I'm offered, except, y'know, if like a pedophile offered me his home for the night."

Matthew started to laugh, and (Y/N) couldn't help but join in. They kept laughing like that until it got dark. Matthew helped (Y/N) up, and they started walking to Matthew's place.

~~~Time Skip to Matthew's~~~

"So, let me get this straight, your basically church fucking father, pardon my language, kicked you out for you being his son?"

"Yup, and I tried getting my mom to say something, but she wouldn't."

"That's bullshit, eh."


(Y/N) yawned.

"We should probably get to bed. Do you want to sleep on my bed or the floor?"

"You keep your bed. Plus, the floor is super comfy."

"Whatever you say."

(Y/N) and Matthew got ready for bed. As (Y/N) laid down, the only thing he could think of was his father slapping him. He tried to stifle his sobs until he was too exhausted to anymore.


(Y/N) tried to stretch but was unable to move. He looked around and realized Matthew was laying on him in a sort of protective manner. He lightly shook the Canadian awake.

"What's the big idea, eh?"

"Uh, you were basically spooning me."

"Oh? Oh!"

Matthew quickly moved away from (Y/N) to give him more space.

"I'm sorry! It's just- I- You- You we're crying a lot last night, and I thought you needed a hug, I must've fallen asleep beside you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, thank you. I think, that's the best sleep I've had in a while, actually."

"Usually bad days make for good sleep."

"What time is it?"


"Too early."

(Y/N) curled himself into a ball and tried to fall back asleep. He tried comfortable but was having trouble.



"Get over here."

"Uh, o-okay?"

Matthew laid down next to (Y/N). (Y/N) curled up next to Matthew and put the Canadian's arm on his waist. They fell back asleep for a while.

~~~Time Skip to 5 years later~~~

"Three years of saving. Three years of testosterone shots! Bottom surgery!!!!! Today!!!!!!!!"

(Y/N) howled out of excitement, and Kumajiro joined him.

"Okay, Kuma, calm down, (Y/N), scream as much as you want, you earned this."

"Do you think my dick is gonna be long?"

Matthew almost died of laughter.

"That's a serious question, Mattie."

"Who cares if it is or not? I'm still your top."

Matthew kissed (Y/N)'s cheek.

"Maybe, I'll be the top, ever think about that? Huh?"

"Say the most top thing you can think of."

(Y/N) thought for a while before finally muttering a single word.


"Nice try. Good luck, I love you."

(Y/N) took a deep breath in and opened the hospital doors. He waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever until his name was finally called.

~~~After Surgery~~~

"Hey, babe, how are you feeling?"

"How does my dick look, Mattie?"

"I don't know, but we can't check it right now. We have to get home."

"I love you, and I don't wanna be top. You're a pretty good one already."

"Okay, let's have this conversation when you aren't high on drugs."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

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