No one said anything. After a minute, y/n started to laugh. She didn't know why.
It's just so ridiculous! The fact that so many things go wrong, just because of this one girl, this one bitch. I can't believe it.
She kept laughing, the more she realized what went wrong in these few months, the harder she laughed.
I got my heart broken! Not only that, his girlfriend decides to rub salt in the wounds, and bully me. Now she confronts both of us, and the rest of the people in the party are angry at me, thinking she's a little angel and I'm the culprit here.
It's so unfair.
Y/n realized how insane she must look in that moment, and forced herself to stop laughing. "You really think," y/n said, staring coolly in the face of Haeun, "that your words can hurt me?" Haeun's face was red in shock of her reaction.
She obviously expected me to break down crying or something, not start laughing.
"Listen honey," y/n heard herself say. She didn't know what had overtaken her, but she continued on, walking towards the girl and pointing a finger in her chest. "I've got a lot going on for me right now. I don't need you being a whiny little bitch." She saw Jaemin flinch at the word in her peripheral vision, but she continued on.
"Do me a favor, and stop it. And Jaemin!" Y/n said, turning to face him. He looked at her, shocked. "Continue dating this asshole if you want, but I hope you realize right now how bad of a person she is!" Jaemin stared at her with his mouth open.
Y/n made a large over exaggerated bow. "In the past, I would of justified myself, but I'm done. Jaemin, maybe I like you, maybe I don't! After this, you'll probably hate me. So I'll say one thing." She started to walk out the door, but stopped right before, enjoying how the couple looked at her.
"Sayonara suckers." And promptly left.
BAs soon as she slammed the door, she leaned against the brick wall of the outside and started to breath heavily.
Did I just do that?
A/N: FYI sayonara means goodbye in japanese.
Thoughts •
Romantik"No, that's what you thought. I know you tried, you really tried, but in the end, he's not the one for you. You know it." FINISHED