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Silence is something nice. My mother liked to say things to annoy me as a child. For instance, "Patience is a virtue."
Drove me insane.
But... she was a nice woman. I miss her.
Too bad she's not around me now. Or dad. But some things can't be helped. I opened my eyes and raised my head, making eye contact with a person standing across the table from where I sat. They were celebrating.
Celebrating me.
I'd joined their small guild to try to be able to trust people easier. It also suprised me to find I was considered the weakest in the guild. There was four of them, five including myself. They apparently consider the newest member the weakest, at least until proven otherwise. I haven't updated my gear in a while either, so that's a small issue.
"To Shiramane, and her goal to trust us and free everyone from this game!" He practically yelled, a grin on his face. The members around him cheered and raised a cup.
Another spoke up, blonde hair falling over his green eyes. "Hey Shira! Tell us something about yourself."
I stared at the boy. "Well..."
A guy with black hair covering the right half of his face spoke up. "Lewin, cut her a little slack." He said to the blonde boy. "Whenever she's comfortable." He smiled.
"No, It's fine, Alixen." I looked to the black-haired boy who spoke to Lewin. "I can tell you all some things. But I... do appreciate it. Very much." Alexin smiled and nodded to me. I smiled back. I looked at the other two. "Markal," I looked at our young, silver-hair dyed leader. "Dealan?" I looked at the last boy who held deep red hair. They both nodded. I smiled a little more. "Well then... what would you like to know?"
They all exchanged glances. "How much do you know about SAO?"
I thought for a minute, looking at the table. "... quite a bit, actually. But it also depends on how much the guide from the Beta Testers is incorrect about the game."
They stared at me. "Were you a... Beta Tester?" Lwein asked me.
I quickly looked up. "N-no way!" I lied. "I just... have a friend who was. They..."
Everyone knew what I was getting at. "We understand, Shira." Markal quickly said. "I'm guessing... you were close?" He held up his right hand in a slightly defensive motion, trying to calm me.
I didn't answer, closing my eyes.


Dealan tilted his head to the right, looking confused. "I get it. She loved him." I quickly looked up with wide eyes. "She loved him like a friend. Like family." I mentally sighed.

Thank God... or not. He's not helping.

Dealan smiled. He held out his hand. "Come on, Shira. Let's go talk outside."
I stared at his hand, eyes probably looking like a startled child's. I blinked and slowly reached out with my right hand, taking his. It was different. I mean, feeling. Not the hand, the emotions. I stood up, chair squeaking quietly. Everyone looked ready to go. Dealan looked at them. "Sorry guys. Just us."
They looked confused. "You're splitting up the pack?!" Lewin practically yelled.
Markal actually got it, eyes widening slightly behind his square, black rimmed glasses. "Nah, it's fine." He put a hand on Lewin's shoulder. "Let them go." He smiled. He knew what was going on.
Lewin gave a look of confusion. Dealan smiled behind his oval, gray glasses that were as thin as wire. "Thanks Markal."
Markal simply nodded. "Now come on, boys. Let's get another drink." He grinned at them as we left.
I had no idea where we were going, only that Dealan was leading me down a small path behind the pub, through the green grass. It glinted with blue in the moonlight and caused my emotions to become happy and calm. We stopped under a tree and he sat down. He motioned for me to join him, so I did, sitting on his left. After a few moments I changed my position to hug my legs close to my chest. I closed my eyes and sighed. I spoke in what was nearly too quiet to even be a whisper. "... It's so beautiful. I feel so relaxed here..."
I heard Dealan chuckle. "Yeah... it's nice, huh? I come here a lot to get away from the boys and think things over. I even tried to come here recently because something's been... well... 'troubling' me."
I opened my eyes and looked at him. "What do you mean?" I moved so my chest wasn't touching my legs, leaving space. "What kind of things have been troubling you recently?"
He looked away for a moment. He sighed and looked at me, just barely making eye contact. "... you."
I blinked. "Um... excuse me, me?"
He quickly nodded. "B-but not in a bad way!" He put up his hands defensively. He put them down and looked at his feet. "You see... Shira, you're really cool. I even consider you the strongest out of us all," he said, and I could tell he was being honest. What he was trying to lead up to I didn't understand. "You're incredible. And I can tell you have a sense of humor somewhere in that cold armor of yours that shields everything. So listen..." he looked at the moon. "... Shira... I like you," he looked at me.
I simply blinked. Like me? What did that mean? Wait a minute...
I sighed. "Dealan... you mean..."
He quickly interrupted me. "But hey! If you don't like me as well that's fine." He smiled.
I didn't meet his eyes. "... I just... don't know if I like you is all."
He blinked and tilted his head to the right in confusion before smiling. "Haha that's alright!" I looked up at him in slight suprise. "You can take your time to think it over. Okay? Let's just get you home. Your health is going down..." he stared at my health bar.
I felt a quick wave of panic noticibg something. I still had a poison effect from the fight an hour ago. I stood up. "Yeah... I'll get home. You go have fun with everyone." I smiled. "And... I'll think about it." He nodded. I walked off.
I soon closed my door once I was inside, sighing. I quickly used a crystal to heal my poison. It shattered. I turned around and only made it about halfway to the window before I was presented with an icon in front of me.

Incoming call:
Akihiko Kayaba

I grit my teeth slightly before returning to normal. I answered it without hesitation this time, Akihiko's upper body appearing on a screen. I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Y'know, if you wanna talk to me, you could just wait until I get home, and then call or send a message. You don't have to give me poison to get my attention."
He closed his eyes, nearly smirking. "I shouldn't underestimate you. I already knew you'd figure out ut was me. But listen," he opened his eyes and suddenly grew serious. "Shira, you're in trouble. Get out of that Guild."
I stared for a brief moment. "Why?" I crossed my arms.
He nearly looked like ge was growing irradiated. "Shiramane, this is completely serious. You're in danger with those four boys."
I smirked. "Are you just sending a message from my dad about staying away from guys?"
"Shut up!" He'd nearly said my name again. "You've gotta stop trying to say my name."
"It gets your attention, does it not?" He nearly snapped back. There was a moment of silence. "Now listen. Get your head on straight and tight so it doesn't come loose again. Got it?" I took a moment before nodding, smirk gone and irratated. "Shiramane, you've got to get away from these people." Whst he said next shocked me. "They're killers."
"They... what?" I uncrossed my arms, taking a step towards the screen. I was growing nervous.
"They're all killers. They kill players for the hell of it. You have to stop them."
I stared. "But... I hate you... and how do you want me to do that?!"
He stared at me hard with narrow eyes.
"Kill them."

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