Guard of the King Commander

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It's October 18th, 2024. Has it really been this long? We've been here for two years. Those of us who have survived, at least. To think, I've aged two years since I became trapped here. Has my appearance changed? I wonder...
I walked through the town of Selmburg, looking at the shops. I was thinking of upgrading my gear. Right after I bought a new sword, I recieved a message. It seemed like I was getting a lot of those lately. Reluctantly, and sick of receiving messages, I tapped on the icon. I read who the was sender and was confused.

To: Shiramane
From: The Knights of the Blood Oath Guild

I was suprised. What the hell would they want with me? I hadn't applied. The only other option was that I'd done something wrong and pissed off their Guild. I sighed and, still reluctantly, began to read.

Obeying their orders and directions, I decided to head to their Guild Hall. I stood in the middle of the room, directly before the leader and his fellow... officers, should I call them?
I stood straight and held a plain yet serious expression. "I am still confused as to why you called me here, uh..."
The leader smiled, leaning back in his chair. "It's Heathcliff. Commander Heathcliff of the Knights of the Blood Oath. It's an extreme pleasure to meet someone such as yourself, Shiramane."
I nearly narrowed my eyes, making a noise in reply. "Right... Heathcliff. Or Commander?"
He shook his head. "Not important at the moment. Now, for why I - we - called you here," he leaned forward and looked interested. "I have a request for you. I discussed it vaguely with a few of my officers, but not much. Most of what I say around here goes. So, Miss Shiramane, I request that you become a member of our Guild."
I stared, eyes growing wide. "Why... me?"
He looked to the few people sitting near him, all of them glancing about. He looked back to me. "I've seen you in action; on the front lines, head of the battle. Your strength is incredible and would prove useful to us in this battle. And we would be useful to you."
I raised an eyebrow. "How would you be useful to me? And pardon my rudeness if there is any."
Heathcliff shook his head. "No, not at all. I'd expect it's only fair you asked questions. You see, how we would be useful to you is..." he narrowed his eyes, "we could give you a home, place to cook, and more importantly," he smiled, "family and friends."
My eyes widened once more.


Heathcliff smiled. "So? Miss little Shiramane, what do you say? Will you fight on the front lines with us?"
I stared at him. My head tilted downward so my bangs cast a shadow over my eyes. A minute went by. Then two. Countless more passed, extending my silence. I finally found the courage to whisper my answer. "... yes."
Heathcliff grinned and clapped his hands. "Splendid." I raised my head and was flooded with courage. My expression grew serious once more. "Everyone, welcome our newest member. You are now Shiramane of the Knights of the Blood Oath."
I nodded, feeling grateful for some unknown reason. "Thank you, Heathcliff... sir."
He smiled, obviously overjoyed. "You may call me Heathcliff. Now, as for your position..." he quieted the room of clapping officials and stopped my smile from forming. "... you are now my appointed guard."
My mouth fell open. "Wait, what?!"
The officers turned to stare at their leader. He only nodded. "You heard me correctly, Shiramane; you are now my guardian."
I stared, twitching. Now this was a first. Wasn't he way more powerful than I was?
He answered my thought. "I may be strong, but that is why I need you. You're strength will come in handy during battles - you will have my back. And in return... I'll have your's."
I stared. I closed my mouth and nodded. "Alright! I am pleased and proud to be a member of this Guild and be your guardian!"
He grinned slightly. "We will have a uniform for you shortly. Now, you're being assigned an office - your own living quarters within the Guild. You may still leave and return to your original home, but when you are needed here, you may use the one I have provided."
I nodded. "Yes Sir. Er, I mean... Heathcliff."
He smiled. "Alright. Dismissed. I shall meet you at your quarters here in a half hour."
I nodded again, turning and walking through the doors.

I felt the hot water burn my skin. In SAO we didn't exactly need to shower, I suppose, but it was still an option. The only thing I disliked about showers was that the air became so thick and warm it was hard to breathe. I put my right hand on my chest gently, shirt soaked completely. It was unlike me to wear clothes in the shower, so it felt strange. But, well... I didn't want to necessarily have a proper shower today - I just wanted... to think.
I closed my eyes and sighed. I wondered if I would ever return home. I opened my eyes lazily and looked down at my grey T-shirt and short black shorts. The clothing clung to my body while it was soaked, so I was quite annoyed, if I must be honest. I crossed my arms and leaned left, resting my head on the tiled shower wall as my shoulder held me up.

Akihiko... father... why did you two have to be so close...? You could evdn be childhood friends if I didn't know you better.

I stood up straight again. I turned off the water and a sudden noise on the wooden door made me yelp at the exact same time it appeared. The noise continued after I had finished my yelp, and I realized it was someone knocking.
"I hope I didn't frighten you," a muffled voice said through the wood.
I blinked. "N-no, it's fine... I'm usually jumpy at a time like this." I sighed. "Who is it?"
"It's Commander Heathcliff. I see you still need to remember the sound of my voice," he sounded like this was slightly amusing.
"Oh, sorry Sir. What is it you need?"
"I have your uniform." He said, reminding me.
"Oh! Thank you..." I said, pulling back the curtain a little.
"I'll leave it on your bed for you." I could hear him shuffle, about to walk away.
"Wait!" I yelled. A little louder than I would have liked to, if you ask me. "Just... come in. I'm clothed. I just... had a shower in my clothes to, y'know... think."
After a minute or two of silence, the door handle began to squeak, door being pushed open. Heathcliff held the door handle, folded clothing in his right hand. He smiled. "I'm terribly sorry, Shiramane." There it was again. He said my name strangely. He knew how to pronounce it, he just said it his way instead. Maybe it was meant to be an attempt at becoming closer as battle partners. How does he say it? She-Ra-Mon-Ay. It's strange... but it's alright.
Better than being called just "Shi".
I pulled the shower curtain back all the way. "Again... thank you, Heathcliff."
He nodded slightly. "Of course. It's no problem. I apologize for disturbing you." He stared at my deep purple hair, not as wavy as usual due to it being soaked. He raised an eyebrow. "Never seen this look on you. Odd."
I puffed out my cheeks. "Yeah, well, you're not exactly a young Miss Muffet either."
He then grinned. "Of course not. My time has passed." He held out the uniform to me and I took it.
"Thank you, Heathcliff."
He nodded. "Not a problem. I expect to see you in fifty minutes at the entrance to the Guild Hall; we'll need to practice our attack and defense formations."
I nodded. "Sure thing."
He turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him.
I glanced at the uniform and smiled kindly.

Just my color...

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