Don't Mind Anymore

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I cried out as I was shoved into the rows of lockers by kids much bigger than me.
They were also teenagers.
I'm ten.
Is this child abuse? Probably not.
I had objected to going to this school at first, and still do. I have only been going here for a week, but my mother says it's only temporary. She's trying to talk to this school that all of the SAO Survivors go to about getting me extra councilling while I'm there.
She, however, wanted me to try this high school, since they offered me a higher grade.
I really was my father's kid...
I fell to the ground as they started laughing at me. I picked up my two books from the library and my phone. "Why are you here again? You're so small!" The rounder teen laughed.
"Because I'm-"
"The daughter of a psychopath?" Another interrupted.
I sighed and closed my eyes. "No. Because I'm a very bright tech student and my mother wanted me to try out this school before going to a different one. The other school is the one I'm meant for."
"Because you're a freak who should've died?" The first one asked.
In an instant, a book slammed into his face, knocking him over. I walked over and picked up the book by his head, students staring. "I suggest you watch your mouth and learn some manners," I said in a monotone way my father would. "Otherwise, you won't have much luck with ladies, some places you apply for to get a job, or people who could be your friends. You would lose more than you would gain if you continue being like this, mister." I walked away.
The one of the floor screamed at me, calling me something rude. I ignored him and proceeded to the roof of the school, pulling out my phone. I turned on the screen, tapping many buttons. I sat on a bench near the fence, looking out at the city.
"Shiramane?" A voice asked. "Is... something wrong?"
I looked down at the phone screen to see Diabel's worried face. I gave him a sad smile. "Kind of..." I looked at the city again. "I mean... I really dislike it here. I hope that Mary can get the school to let me attend..."
"Why do you sound so formal?"
I took a moment before answering. "Because I'm trying not to break down. I've been trying to show no emotions while I'm here as well. I didn't even cry the day of the funeral. Not in front of anyone, anyways..." my voice drifted off.
"The funeral was yesterday," he said. "You shouldn't act like this... you've been strange all week, and trying to lock up your emotions won't help. You'll even feel nothing - spare sadness - and end up not caring for life of any sort, even your own." He said quickly and strictly.
"... and? Maybe it would be for the best to not care about my life," I closed my eyes as a cold breeze blew through my long hair, straight strands uncut for two years.
"Do you really want to become your father?" He asked me.
"..." I opened my eyes, staring at a tall glass building shining in the sun. "... would that be such a bad thing?"
"Shira, how could you say something like that?!" I looked down to see Lewin partially pushing Diabel out of the screen's view. "Becoming how your father was wouldn't be what your friends want!!" He yelled, Diabel pushing back into view with him.
I sighed. "... by friends, you mean you?" I smiled.
He grinned. "Of course!"
Alixen stood up behind them, peering over their heads. "We're here to be there for you. You helped us, so now Lewin and I owe it to you to help you the rest of your life."
"Yes. And I am here to just keep you company and happy. Plus, if you have any problems, you can always come to this place to talk to me, Courage." Markal said with his arms crossed from behind the shorter Lewin.
"And I am here to remember how it all began; how you became the stong hero you are now," Treice said from behind them all, getting up on a chair.
I smiled at them all, tears flooding my eyes. "Guys... thank you..."
A few teardrops fell on the screen and they cheered. "Emotion, yay!!" Lewin cheered.
Before I knew it, I'd spent my whole lunch talking to them, pointing out views in the city we could see from there, and telling them more about myself a bit. The next few classes weren't so bad. I had a computers class and we went through stuff only I had already known, then I had some art. The last class wasn't so bad either; music.
It reminded me of how I made my first amounts of money in Aincrad...

"You would sing?" Lewin asked me as I walked home at sunset.
I nodded. It was just him in the room right now. "That's right - I sang in restaurants and shops, some pubs even. I sang in plazas and took donations. That's how I first managed to plant my roots and grow steady in Aincrad." I looked up at the orange and blue sky.
"Can you sing for me?"
"Hm?" I looked down at the screen and stooped walking.
Lewin was leaning over the desk towards the screen. "Please oh please? I never got to hear you in a pub or anything like that!" He clapped his hands together and closed his eyes. "Pleeeeeeaaaaaase?" He pleaded.
I took a minute, then smiled. "Alright..." I started walking again, thinking. "Just give me a minute."
He nodded. "Alright! Of course!" After a few moments, the street held no cars at all. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth. Lewin stared, waiting and excited.
"Narrowly we fall out of line, out of line; I fall anywhere with you - I'm by your side," I sang, voice smooth and sounding alright. "Swinging in the rain humming mel-odies; we're not going anywhere until we freeze..." I closed my eyes, smiling to myself as I walked. "I'm not afraid anymore, I'm not afraid..." I opened my eyes and sang a little louder. "For-ever is a long time... but I wouldn't mind spending it by your si-ide..." I stopped as a car came driving down the street, quite loud.
Lewin clapped his hands at me, and I looked down to see everyone else in the room.
We talked all the way until I got home, then it was time for dinner.

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