The Black Swordsman

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For the past while I had been spending my time in the forests of Alfhiem, not far from Sylvain, and hearing voices. Voices from family, friends, teachers, players from SAO... even my dad. All the voices bring up memories from my time in the game, but they all lead back to one - the funeral.
I'm not sure how to react to it anymore. I just want to cry, but that is smothered by extreme rage and happiness, happiness over his death which I should NOT HAVE!!
.... the funeral - everything leads back to it. I'm curious if I will feel love like that again. I haven't been able to look at Mary the same way since when I woke up and saw Akihiko in his room.
... hospital rooms are like cages - sometimes they try to keep you concealed while you heal, and other times?
.... they let you walk around, but it's like you're on a leash - you can only go so far.
Once they release you back into the wild - your real home in the outside world - you can never be the same sometimes.
It's like prison.
To add to that, my friends... everyone I managed to save - they all hate me. I don't know why... but I only feel guilt.
And now, here I am, sitting with The Black Swordsman from Aincrad itself, Kirito. But one question still lingered in my mind;
If he was here, where the Hell was Asuna?

I stared at him with a bored expression from across the tavern table. "Okay. What the Hell are you doing here." I deadpanned.
He looked up at me from his rekaxed and laid back position. "Hm?" He blinked. "Oh... you mean in Alfhiem, another game." I nodded. "Well... It's complicated. See.... Asuna..." he held his breath for a moment. "... never woke up."
My eyes slowly grew wide. "What...? But that's not right! Everyone who survived should have woken up!" I was yelling now, hands on the table and standing. "I even woke up after that! And I died! My father died too and he-" my breath caught in my throat as my body slowly froze like ice.
I felt cold.

And he... didn't wake up.

I didn't say a word - just stood there, hands pressed down on the table, unable to move or speak. I suddenly realized I could barely even breathe.
"Sh... Shira?" Kirito slowly stood up. "Come on... r-relax. Listen," he poked my cheek. "I need help getting to the World Tree. I think... I think Asuna is there."
I suddenly gasped, able to breathe, and fell backwards, knocking over my chair. Apparently I could move again too. "A-A-Asuna?!" I wheezed.
He nodded. "Yeah, and... are you alright? What the Hell was-"
"Daddy! Don't be like that!" A little fairy flew out of his pocket and pointed at him. "You're almost scaring the girl. You've gotta be nicer, calmer, and I know you're worried about Mommy! I am too... but you should have seen if she was alright sooner."
I stared. "Is this... Yui?"
The little fairy turned to me, smiling wide. "Yes! Hello Shiramane! I've heard a lot about you from Mommy and Daddy! And... everything else, I did some digging for."
I stared at her. "You... researched me?"
She looked slightly embarrassed. "Well... I wanted to know more about you when Mommy and Daddy talked about you, and how worried they were. So, when they didn't know anything else about you, I looked - and I suppose I shouldn't have been shocked. You were holding a very large grudge."
I sighed. "Yeah, I... I know." I felt my face become red.
Yui stared at me. "... what's that?"
Kirito looked from me to her. "Yui. Is something wrong?"
"There's a strange string of coding connected to her..." she replied.
"I'm using a... Nerv Gear." I mumbled.
Kirito looked to me. "You... decided to play Alfhiem with a Nerv Gear?"
I shook my head. "No. It's more complicated than that. I just-"
"There you are, you lazy guy!" A girl barged in, practically yelling at the top of her lungs.
The three of us looked at her. "Oh. Hey Leafa," Kirito said.
I pushed myself up. "You know each other, then?"
Leafa grinned. "Yep! I met this poor guy when he fell out of the sky!" She teased.
He blinked. "Hey! Hold on - I can explain!"
"No need. Great minds think alike," I gestured to him and I. He gave me a strange look before I grinned. "Doesn't matter. I'm Shiramane, and I'll be coming with you to the World Tree," I held out my hand for her to shake.
She did. "Alright... nice to meet you." She seemed slightly hesitant.
I gave a large grin. "Trust me... I've known Kirito for a long time and I've never lied to him. Well..." I slowly looked at him as he smirked.
"There was that one thing..." he exaggerated.
Leafa frowned. "Oh really?" She crossed her arms.
I put up my hands defensively. "Hey, I had a good reason!" I grinned awkwardly.
She sighed. Kirito nodded. "That you did."
"Fine then," Leafa sighed. She opened her eyes and grinned. "Let's head to the World Tree."
They started walking towards the entrance to the Tavern with Yui, and I followed. That is, until I felt a hand on my right shoulder. I turned to see a worried Dealan.
"You're... leaving then?" He asked quietly.
I felt my smile become a little smaller. "Yes. But..." I waited a few moments before slowly taking his hand in mine. "Y... you're coming too." I looked up at him, feeling a strange feeling.
He slowly smiled. "Alright then...! Onward - to the World Tree!" He led me out of the Tavern and after the other three. My hand held onto his tightly.

What is this feeling? It seems so... familiar.

I closed my eyes. "Why am I a Kayaba...?" I asked quietly.
Dealan, who had never heard this, seemed shocked a bit. "Well... I'm nkt sure." He replied, walking quickly. He suddenly smiled softly. "Maybe... it's because your father loved you enough to actually have you." My eyes widened slightly. "You're one of the only things Akihiko Kayaba actually cared about... I mean, I'm assuming that's your father."
"Y... yeah," I smiled.

He really loved me.

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