Who Are You?

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It's November 5th, 2024, and I am happy to announce to Kirito and Asuna that my training with Heathcliff has finished and was a success.
They both clapped as wr sat at a booth in a cafe.
"Congrats, Shira!" Asuna laughed.
Kirito gave me a grin. "I find it odd that the old guy wants you to become his bodyguard. But, if in return he protects you as well, then... I suppose it's worth it."
I nodded. "Like hell it is!" I said loudly with a grin, clenching my raised right fist. A few people turned to stare at me. "Heathcliff is awesome! I feel like I've met him before... we get along so well!!" I yelled, starting to laugh.
Kirito glanced about, hiding behind his teacup. "Uh, yeah, even though I love seeing you this happy, you should calm down a little before we get thrown out."
Asuna laughed. "Oh, come on, Kirito! But Shira, do tone it down a bit."
I sat in my seat, squirming amd dancing a bit. "Okay okay." I gave a large grin.
Kirito smiled. "I can hardly remember the last time I saw you so happy, Shiramane."
I nodded. "It's been a long time. Maybe... six months?"
"More like a year, Shira." Kirito said flatly.
I blinked. "Wait really?"
He nodded. "Yep."
I sighed and smiled. "Ah... maybe you're right." A small beep was heard and I saw a message notification. I opened it up and blinked.
"Who's it from?" Asuna asked, biting her muffin.
"Heathcliff," I said, standing up and pushing my chair out. "He needs me. I should get going."
They looked to each other before smiling at me. "Alright. Go."
I smiled wide. "Thanks guys. I'll see you soon!" I started running out of the cafe, waving.
"I'll be at the wedding!" Kirito teased.
"Shut up, you -"I swore at him.
I heard him laughing wildly as I ran off.

Upon arriving at the Guild Base in Grandzam, Heathcliff called me into an office. He sat behind a desk in a chair while I sat on one of the two couches. "What did you need to speak about, Heathcliff?"
He studied me, thinking. "Shiramane... are you feeling alright?"
I stared at him. "I'm fine. Why? I'm extremely happy."
"You just seem... off." He replied. "And why are you overjoyed?"
"Well..." I looked at my lap and smiled. "... you see, Heathcliff, I'm happy because... I know you." He remained silent, leaning on his clasped hands. "You... you're like a new family to me. You're like the father I wish I still had."
This caught his attention and he seemed to have been off guard. "What do you mean by 'father I still wish I had'...?".
I looked at him, eyes still a neon purple. "Um... well..."
"Did your father pass?"
I shook my head. "No. He... he just..." I sighed. "He trapped me here, and... it was without warning. I... I feel like you could've been my father instead; a better one, almost. You haven't lied to me yet - not that I know of."
He nodded slowly. "I understand..." he smiled. "I'm happy you think of me that way. Your father must have been happy to have you as his daughter."
"He was..." I mumbled.
Heathcliff sat up straight. "If you ever need anything, you know you can tell me, right?"
After a moment, I nodded. "Yes, Heathcliff..."
He smiled again. "Come here," he stood up. I looked at him and found my vision was blurry. I had been crying and hadn't even noticed. Heathcliff held his arms out to me. "Come here, now... don't be upset. This isn't how you should be."
After a moment of hesitation, I got up and ran over to him, nearly knocking him over. I hugged him tightly, hands gripping the back of his red cloak. "Oh Heathcliff! Life sucks! My dad sucks! I can't take it! I want to give up! What am I meant to do here?! What's my purpose anymore?!" I cried.
I continued rambling in a soft, shaking voice. Heathcliff hugged me back, putting a hand on the back of my head. "Calm down... there is no reason to cry... we all encounter problems and obstacles we find hard to overcome." He said soothingly.
I hiccuped, face hot with tears. "But... but Heathcliff... I don't deserve to be alive anymore!! I should just die! I should just... just... just kill myself!!!!"
"Don't talk like that," his tone had changed. "Shiramane..." his voice became quiet. "Would your friends not grieve for you if you were to disappear? What about the Guild? We're your family now." He pat my head.
Slowly, I nodded, calming down. "Y... you're right... thank you, Heathcliff."
I felt him smile. "You are very welcome... Shiramane." He said my name properly.

At around 10 PM I received a message from Kirito.

To: Shiramane
From: Kirito
Subject: We need to talk.

I blinked. Doing as he said, I went to Selmburg and waited in a plaza with a large fountain. I sat silently on a bench. I saw two pairs of shoes stop before me: one pair white like my own, the other pair black. I looked up to see Kirito and Asuna with serious expressions.
"Shira. We need to talk." Kirito said. I heard the seriousness in his voice and felt the color drain from my face. "You've been really off lately. Whenever you get a video call you run off. You get the poison status effect at random times in the game. You seem more and more on edge and more happy around Heathcliff. He told us he's like the father you wish you still had. What did he mean?"
I didn't answer. I just bit my lip and looked to the right, avoiding their gaze. "..."
"Shira," Kirito said again.
"Shiramane, what's going on? Please tell us. Who is your father?" Asuna asked, sounding worried.
"And more importantly," Kirito said, "who are you?"
I looked down at the ground. This was it. No escape. It was now and only now.
It was time for the truth. For the truth I'd kept hidden these two long years.
"My name..." I started quietly, raising my voice and starting over so they could hear me better. "My name... my name is..." I thought hard. Time to tell the truth. "My name is Shirali Kayaba," I said and looked up at them, meeting both their eyes. "Daughter of Akihiko Kayaba."

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