Zoey's P.O.V.
It was now morning and we were gearing up to start making our way up to Chicago. I'd be riding in 'Bee with one of the other three. Then the remaining two would be with Gadget.
'Bee was already transformed into his alt mode and was waiting. Currently Gadget was arguing with Optimus over the arrangement.
“Why can't Drift or Crosshairs take one!?” Gadget said exasperated, clearly annoyed
“No thank you.” Drift called as he transformed back into his alt
“Hell no.” Crosshairs called from within his alt
“What about Hound!?”
“Definitely not!” Came the gruff reply
Optimus sighed and looked at Gadget, who was still fuming
“Gadget, it's only two of them.” He said with a sigh
“Why can't I have Cade and Zoey instead? Or at least just Zoey, Bumblebee can take three people in his alt.” Gadget shot back
::Sorry hotshot. I already called Zoey.:: 'Bee called out
I giggled at the sound of that and Gadget shot 'Bee a look.
“Gadget, you will take Cade and Shane. Tessa will ride with Zoey in Bumblebee.” Optimus stated
“But Optimusss.” Gadget whined
“That's an order.” Optimus said with finality
Gadget growled and muttered several things.
“Fine! But don't think I will enjoy any second of it.” Gadget snapped before transforming back into his ambulance
“Knowing what Ironhide more than likely taught you, I highly doubted you would.” Optimus said with a heavy sigh
I watch them both, amused before climbing into 'Bee.
“Gadget seems a bit moody today.” I said thoughtfully as the seatbelt snaked over me
::He is in a mood. Not one of the best might I add.:: 'Bee replied
“Heard that!” Gadget called as Cade climbed into his alt
::Damn! Forgot about the enhanced hearing.:: 'Bee cursed
“Heard that too!”
::Damn it!:: 'Bee swore again as Tessa got in
I heard the sniggering of Crosshairs, Hound, and Drift over the comm.
“Shut up you three!” Gadget's voice snapped
::Yep, he's in a mood.:: 'Bee said with a tsk, making me laugh slightly as the door shut
“Can it Bumblebee!” came the barked reply as we started driving
I heard 'Bee hum slightly through the radio.
::Sir yes sir.:: He replied and I heard his grin
The only response was a low growl.
Boy, this will be quite the ride.
Gadget's P.O.V.
I currently hate this alt choice. It hits every fraggin’ rock through the dirt! And it hurts when they ping off of me. Gah!
Oh I need an upgrade. Another Jeep would be nice. I doubt I will switch yet though. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Right now, however, I'm heavily annoyed with these two in my cab. They keep firing insults back and forth.

It Started In A Barn
FanfictionMeet Zoey. She's your not so average 7 year old girl. Her mom passed when she was 4, and her dad is downright terrible. But everything changes when she mets and helps out a certain Autobot Scout. And to think It all started in a barn Beware of swea...