Chapter 35

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Zoey's P.O.V

I waved at the two as they headed off again. I felt a bit better after talking to Ratchet and Gadget. I then went ahead and went back into the classroom.

I ignored all the odd looks that I got as I went back to my desk.

I smiled slightly to myself as I went back to coloring in my shark teeth.

I then heard a shuffle beside me as one of the girls that sit next to me looked at my tag.

“Yuck, why teeth?” She grimaced, wrinkling her nose

I looked right back at her.

“One those are shark teeth, get it right dummkopf. Two I could say the same thing about those blobs that are around your name.” I retorted like lightning, remembering the bit of German Gadget taught me

“Those aren't blobs they're  hearts.” She shot back

“Well then you obviously need to work on your drawing skills cause last I checked a heart ain't just a circle.” I answered back, annoyed

The girl huffed and glared at me before turning and facing her back at me.

I watched mildly amused before adding the finishing details to my tag. Looks like it was helpful to hear the different arguments that break out back at home.

About fifteen minutes later, we all were lead outside for recess. All the other kids ran off to go play on the different equipment.

I wasn't  as enthralled. I prefer going to the playground that's back near us with ‘Hidey, Xena, and Ricochet.

I hummed and sat under one of the big trees. I pulled out my notebook and a pencil as I drew for a while.

Maybe today isn't going to be as I thought

Timeskip (brought to you by Drift making Gadget get his swords down)

Zoey's P.O.V

I couldn't put into words at how happy I was when the day ended at 2.

I hummed and headed outside.

I grinned as I immediately saw ‘Bee pulled up and waiting. I knew he would keep his promise.

“Hiya.” I said playfully as his door opened as soon as I touched the handle

“Hey there Zoe’.” ‘Bee grinned back as I climbed in.

He helped me set my backpack on the floor of his alt and shut the door.

I clicked on my seatbelt and we drove off.

“How’d first day go?” ‘Bee asked as he glanced at me and smiled

I then told him all about it. From after he left, to when I verbally annihilated the other girl.

Just as I finished, we pulled up onto the driveway.

“Sounds like you've had quite the eventful day.” Bumblebee chuckled as he got out

“Pretty much.” I grinned back as he helped me out.

We then headed inside and I was quickly greeted by Soul’ and Queen’.

“Hey there Zoe.” they both said with slight smiles

“Hiya!” I waved back

“‘Bee, avoid the kitchen, Ratchet's having a moment with Gadget.” Queen’ said to ‘Bee

“Already? That was fast.” ‘Bee chuckled and shook his head

“What's Gadget doin’?” I then asked

“My goofball is currently walking on the ceiling.” Soul’ said with an eye roll and shake of her head but I could see her grinning

Right as I was about to say how can he, I then saw Gadget literally a few feet away and on the ceiling.

“Howdy Zoe.” He gave an upside down salute

“For Primus sake, get off the ceiling will you!?” Ratchet said frustrated

“Woah! How are you doing that?” I asked eagerly as I watched him moonwalk on the ceiling

“Inventions from my uncle that I kept.” Gadget mused back

Ratchet said as he shook his head and pushed his glasses back up. Cade then happened to walk pass.

“Cade, get him down, I don't care how just get him down.” Ratchet sighed before walking upstairs

Cade looked confused and turned to us.

All four of us pointed to the ceiling behind him. I giggled as I saw him turn around and yelped

“How did you even get up there!?”

Hey. Yeah sorry I know. Short and scrappy. All I can say is I'm exhausted right now. I'll probably give this another update to make up for it. But yeah.

Peace out!

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