Chapter 21

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Zoey's P.O.V

I was up on Bumblebee shoulder.

Watching Gadget trying to murder Evo, and Soulspark about to murder Gadget.

“PUT ME DOWN!” Gadget howled as he fought within Drift’s grip

“No can do.” Drift replied calmly

“Evo, go over there.” Soulspark directed

Evo quickly nodded and headed over where she had pointed.

I watched as Soulspark then turned back at Drift and Gadget, who was still trying to get out of Drift’s grip.

“Put him down.” Soulspark said sternly

Drift nodded and let go of Gadget. Gadget stumbled slightly before lunge at Evo. In a flash, Soulspark grabbed him by a piece of his armour on his back and flipped him over onto the ground, which shook a little. Drift quickly left the scene, not wanting to be apart of it while ‘Bee took a step back.

“Gadget!” Soul’ barked as he thrashed in her grip

“Let me the hell go so I can kill that bastard!” Gadget shouted back

I then saw Soulspark switch her grip and grabbed Gadget's wrist and flipped him onto his back.

I heard footsteps and saw a half awake, bed head Ratchet walk in. He looked at Soulspark pinning Gadget down before looking up at me and ‘Bee. I waved a little at him and he nodded back.

“I don't even want to know. Work it out within the next 5 minutes.” Ratchet said as he lifted his glasses and rubbed his eyes before walking back out

“Deal.” Soulspark said before turning back at Gadget

“Let me go.” Gadget said in a warning tone as he tried to pull his wrist out of her grasp

“Say you won't kill Evo and I will.” Soulspark said calmly

“Hell no. That little pit spawn will die. Medic in training or not.”

Soulspark then calmly twisted his wrist a bit, making Gadget squeak slightly.

“Say it.”


Again she twist more and Gadget gave a soft yelp.

“More ya say no, more I twist. Easy way or hard way.” Soulspark said simply

“I refuse not to kill that little bastard.”

::Don't repeat any of those words….yet:: ‘Bee said semi-sternly to me

“You got it.” I said with a playful salute

He chuckled before we both looked back at Gadget, whose wrist was twisted more.

“Ow! Ow Ow Ow Ow! Fine! Fine! I won't kill the little glitch!” Gadget yelped

“See, isn't that nicer?” Soulspark said as she let go of his wrist

Gadget grumbled something else under his breath as he rubbed his wrist.

“Love ya.” Soulspark said sweetly and kissed his helm

“Love ya too.” Gadget mumbled back as he glared at Evo

Just then Ratchet and Ironhide came in as Soulspark went back over and picked up Evo.

“Are you two done?” Ratchet asked

“For now.” Gadget huffed as he growled under his breath

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