3rd Person P.O.V.
It took some time before they all managed to regroup. The main hold up was finding Ace, who had vanished into the waves of people before finally coming back.
“Took you long enough.” Gadget said with an eye roll as he stood with his arms crossed.
“Chillax Gadg’.” Ace drawled back with an eyeroll of his own behind his shades.
“He was with a girl.” Sunstreaker chimed in with a smirk, getting shoved slightly in return by the police officer.
“Hushit.” He retorted back
“Bigger picture, did you get what we needed?” ‘Bee asked pointedly as he looked at him
“Course I did.” Ace answered back with a slightly amused smile
“Thank Primus.” Ironhide muttered as he heard
“So now the bigger question is if the wolf stays true to his word.” Ratchet then said
“He better, or he knows I'll be after his blood this time.” Gadget said dryly as he crossed his arms.
“While this is fantastic and all,” Crosshairs drawled, “Can we leave now? This suit is gettin’ on my nerves.” he finished and Donnie nodded instantly
Bumblebee gave a light eyeroll but agreed nevertheless.
“Lets get rolling then.” he said firmly
*time skip brought to you by Aries dealing with a clingy Crisscross*
They had soon split up again. Drift going with Bumblebee, Gadget, and Bolt while the rest stayed at their meet up point, readyto spring into action if needed.
“Are ya sure he's comin’ laddie?” Bolt questioned as he sat in the flat bed of his alt mode, glancing around.
It was sunset, all four of them waiting in an abandoned construction site.
“He better be.” Gadgets voice muttered from within his alt, having been working on his little project.
Bumblebee sighed heavily as he heard, staying with his arms crossed as they waited.
Several more minutes passed and there was still nothing yet.
“I would say, he has arrived.” Drift said suddenly without glancing up from sharpening his swords.
The other three shared a glance as the sound of an engine rumbled through the air.
Moments later, a lime green and black hellcat speed towards them and soon came screeching to a halt.
“And here I was thinking you would be a no show.” came the drawling voice as a man with lime green and black streaked hair got out.
He had on no shades, showing his red eyes without a lick of concern.
“The same could go to you Ripred.” Gadget shot back as his holoform hopped ot of his alt.
Ripred rolled his eyes as he loosely crossed his arms.
“Well forgive me if I had to ensure ‘Cade wouldn't be reckless with my kin.” he drawled sarcastically, “But nevertheless, a deal is a deal boy.”
“Best you ‘etter catch it.” Bolt said dryly as he toss a small box to him.
Ripred caught it with ease, opening it up and giving a sharp toothed grin.

It Started In A Barn
FanfictionMeet Zoey. She's your not so average 7 year old girl. Her mom passed when she was 4, and her dad is downright terrible. But everything changes when she mets and helps out a certain Autobot Scout. And to think It all started in a barn Beware of swea...