Chapter 40

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3rd Person P.O.V

Gaget sighed

“You said there are ‘cons in with it. Who? ‘Cade?” He then asked

Ripred scoffed back

“‘Cade can get a bit cocky at times like the hell he would do something for that. No one of the wilder ones”

Gadget waited as Ripred hummed in thought

“You outta know the Dreads don't you?”

Gadget nodded

“Yes. Dead, all three. I assisted in killing them.” He replied

Ripred barked a laugh

“Those were just a few of them. There's more than those three. If you thought they were ballistic and animal like wait till you see these. If I recall right there's also Swiftrazor, Slipsnarl, Fuse, and Wolftrack. Not a fan of any of them particularly.”

“I thought none of the ‘cons wanted anything to do with humans?”

“Most of the time we don't, but occasionally we will of they met some, requirements, of ours.” Ripred shrugged

Gadget nodded slowly, he would never fully understand the way they dealt with things.

Right as he was going to say something else, a timer dnged, signalling the test was over.

Gadget we over and started to pull the results from it.

“Well?” Ripred asked as he watched

“You are correct, it is mercury and seems to be some lead too. Dangerous amounts of it mind you, it's slowly killing you from the inside out.” Gadget replied

Ripred sighed heavily as he sat down again.

“Anything you can do?”

Gadget bite his lip slightly as he had a mental conflict.

On one hand, he could let it ride and his enemy would be dead quick and swift.

On the other hand, as a medic he was suppose to help those that heavily need and  he can provide the needed help.

On the other other hand, there was the cowardly act of letting it ride. As it would just be the same as shooting someone in the back as their back was turned.

“Yes.” He said finally

Ripred watched as Gadget then started rummaging through his alt.

“Come on, come on, I know I have a spare one somewhere.” Gadget muttered

A few minutes later he came back with another needle and a small glass bottle.

“And what is?” Ripred questioned as Gadget came over

“EDTA, one of the fastest ways to deal with lead and heavy metal posioning.” Gadget said doctorlike as he got it together

Ripred nodded slightly, as Gadget finished before picking it into his wrist again. Ripred winced slightly as it stung.

“It will remove all of it and everything will be fixed.” Gadget said after he finished and tossed everything into one of the trashcans.

“Aye.” Ripred nodded as he still felt the sting of it

There was then the sound of police sirens further away.

“‘Cade.” Ripred said suddenly as he looked up, “You need to go.”

The two both shared silent looks that basically was each saying thanks.

In a flash, Gadget went back into his alt and quickly drove off.

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