Zoey's P.O.V
I smiled slightly as I looked at the guy across from us, Bolt I think his name was.
“Howdy. Miss me, did ya?” He asked with a tip of his hat
Now I know where Gadget gets it from!
“Hey there cowboy.” Gadget said with a smirk and Bolt smirked as well
“Haven't heard from you for awhile.” ‘Bee said
“I'd say the same ta ya, but I figured out my comm was broke’ so couldn't contact any of ya.” Bolt then explained as he clipped the pistol back together
“What do you mean ‘broke'?” Ratchet then questioned him
“I was almost fully caugh’. Their weaponry managed ta get through my armour. Severed my communication’ line.” Bolt said as he slip the pistol into a holster on his left hip and looked back at us
“Communication line?” Cade asked confused
“Each of us have a communication line. It's what connects us to our comm links. Fast way to contact one another. For our holoforms,on just about each of the phones have a private network that's connect to the link. If it's broken or severed, it cuts off all ways to connect including on the phone.” Ratchet explained with ease as fireworks exploded behind us.
They were nice. There were red ones, yellow ones, green ones, blue ones, purple ones, shimmery ones.
I then tuned back into the conversation and I heard Drift chuckle softly.
“Goofy.” I grinned and messed with his hair
“As are you.” He said back to me and I giggled back.
I then heard Gadget talk again.
“Wait how’d you contact me then?” Gadget asked then
Bolt then smirked again as he leaned back.
“Ya know I'm good with tech Gadg’. Took me ages but I hacked back into my line lad’. That's how I texted ya.”
Bolt turned his head so he was looking at Ironhide.
“Good ta see ya ‘Hide. I ‘talked' with ‘Che. She oughta be here in a few.” He said and Ironhide smiled slightly
“Thank ya and good to see ya as well.” ‘Hide hummed back
“What's with the accent? I mean it sounds nothin’ like a cowboy.” Lucky then blurted out
Ooooo, Lucky is in trouble. Bolt lowered his shades, showing his bright blue eyes as he looked directly at Lucky.
“Depends on who ya ask smart-aft. For a moment I had thought ya were a leprechaun in disguise. Should I send Blaze after ya to see you tiny lil’ body ripped outta of ya skin? See if there’s a leprechaun hidden under ‘ere” Bolt retorted.
I guess the puppy’s name was Blaze, because the little pup then woke up and stood beside Bolt, growling. It was cute and menacing at the same time.
Lucky gulped and stepped back.
“That's what I thought laddie’.” Bolt smirked as he pulled his shades back on before to the puppy, “All good bud’, go back ta ya nap.”
Blaze made a doggy grin before climbing and sitting in Bolt’s lap, watching us.
“You got a puppy?” Queen asked amused
“Found one. Lil’ cyberpup. This is his holo, I got the collar though. Still learnin’.” Bolt replied with a shrug as Blaze laid down

It Started In A Barn
FanfictionMeet Zoey. She's your not so average 7 year old girl. Her mom passed when she was 4, and her dad is downright terrible. But everything changes when she mets and helps out a certain Autobot Scout. And to think It all started in a barn Beware of swea...