Chapter 42

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Gadget’s P.O.V

I hummed lightly as I heard Bee come back with Zoey.

Currently I was trying to avoid Soul’. Seeing that she was still mildly irritated with me, avoiding her seemed like the best solution currently.

I don't think I swear as much as I could.

I mean I would if I wanted to but that probably doesn't mean that I should. As I saw ‘Bee come in, gently holding a fast asleep Zoe.

We gave each other each a playful salute but going our different ways. He went upstairs while I went outside.

Not like there's a whole lot I can do.

Did all my homework.  Am currently banned from using dads wielder because of accidentally breaking or blowing up the last two.


That was a fun chew out

I think he's only yelling at the twins that much.

So what fun for me.

Speaking of terror twins, those two had gotten a fun greetingbwhen they arrived.

Dad had a fit about it to where both Hide and Silver had to take him away before he tried to murder somebody

So that's always fun and peachy to watch. But like I said, fun to watch, not fun to get the middle of.

Regardless I hummed to myself as I went.

I can't explain it.

But I can feel like something is either off or is gonna go wrong.

Time skip (brought to you by Gadget and the twins getting a wrench to the helm)

A few weeks later

Zoey’s P.O.V

I hummed as I sat up on ‘Bee's shoulders.

The ‘bots took me out for a treat since I finished my first ‘quarter’ of school and passed it.

So today it was me with Bee, Gadget, Bolt, Crosshairs, and Drift. And then tomorrow it would be another five.

But so far it's been a porta fun!

Right now we were heading back to where each of them had their alts cause it was starting to get late and dark out.

“Ready set?” Bee mused as he pulled me down

“Yep I grinned and nodded as I heard the other four chuckle

The next thing I knew, Gadget froze and went into either a defensive or fighting stance looking straight ahead. He was seeing something that I couldn't see.

All of a sudden everyone got into offense positions and Bee stepped in front of me

The next words I heard made my blood run cold

“Perfect timing, isn't?”

I couldn't help but tremble a little realizing who's voice it was.

He came back.

And now my dad stood right across from me and everyone else. He also had several men with him.

He seemed very...different.

Not ask drunk as normally, which seemed to be even scarier with that fact.

“The girl stays with us.” Bumblebee growled, along with the others

He chuckled darkly as he shook his head

“See we could have gone the easy way and you could just give me my daughter back. But….hard way it is.” He stated dryly

I heard the clicking of the bad guys weapons and I held onto Bee's leg even more

“Laddie….three to one ain't a fair fight.” Bolt said in a dangerous voice as I saw him pull out his lasso, which looked different now, seeing it looking more like a drop of metal

“I never planned on making it one.”

Bolt smiled a little

“Good, cause then neither will I.” Bolt said

A moment later there was a crackle sound as Bolts lasso lit up  a bright electric blue. I watched in mild awe as he did several spins and flips with it making it go faster.

Soon he did a cross of a jump and a twist as he knocked out all their weapons. I saw him catch one of the guys with the lasso before pulling him to him

“You better hope hell is taking wishes.” Bolt said lightly while as the same time he socked the guy hard in the face.

There was groan and a collapsing sound while at the same time the others got to work and dealt with each, except for Bee who stayed put

Just as they knocked out majority of them, I heard Gadget let out a pained sounding gasp. I glance out from behind Bee and saw him shake for a moment before going completely still, still standing and everything.

“Gadget?” I heard Drift ask as he slid his sword away, but got no reply.

All of a sudden Bolt and Crosshairs both gave off a similar sound before they ended up the same way as Gadget, still as stone.

‘Bee and Drift both shared confused glances as they both stood at the ready.

I shook as I think heard Drift give a slight yelp before he went the same way as the other three.

“Nasty little sting isn't it?” One of the guys said as he pulled out one of Drifts swords

Though he was still and frozen in place like, I could heard Drift give a faint growl at him.

I held onto Bee tighter as I saw them surround us

“Now, Bumblebee, this'll be quick and easy.” He tackled as he came closer

Right as Bee pulled out his gun and aimed to shoot at him, he gave a choked gasp before he went still.

“Bee?” I whimpered as I tugged on his pants leg

I felt tears in my eyes as I got no reply back

I shrank closer to him as the rest of them surrounded everything leaving no escape point.

“Now now Zoey, come to Daddy.”

Howdy. Thank ya for being patience with me. I've been really tired lately along with chaos of homework. Also this was I painful chapter for me to write, I have to say. I broke my own feels so sorry to all whos feels I broke.

Peace out!

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