Chapter 20

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Zoey's P.O.V

I sat on ‘Bee's shoulder as we walked around the ship. Sadly, no sign of Optimus.

“Gah, this dang ship is screwing up my sensors and scanners.” Gadget grumbled to himself as he messed with a panel on his arm while walking.

::It is Lockdown’s ship after all.:: ‘Bee pointed out

“Why, yes, I can tell. Thank you Captain Obvious.” Gadget snipped back

::Anytime commissioner.::

Gadget rolled his optics but I saw a faint smile. We then walked pass another group of cages.

“There are a lot of cages here.” I commented mildly nervous so we kept walking

:: Don't worry cutie, we got ya.:: ‘Bee said reassuringly

“Indeed.” Gadget nodded

I nodded back as we ventured onward. We then walked pass a big cage.

Suddenly a monster jumped at the bars that was keeping it in there and several slimy green tentacles came out of its mouth.

Bumblebee yelped and jumped back.

Gadget wasn't so lucky. He was a bit further ahead than us. Just as we were about to yell a warning at him, one of the tentacles wrapped around his ankle before lifting him into the air.

“What the hell!? OH DEAR PRIMUS!” Gadget shrieked as the creature brought him up to the bars.

::Shoot the thing!:: ‘Bee called

A split second later, Gadget had his cannon out and shot at it while still stuck upside down.

Within a couple shots, it then let Gadget go, screeching.

“You blasted little glitch.” Gadget growled angrily before he shot it again

This time when the shot hit, it blew up into green goo. And it covered Gadget.

“Yuck.” Gadget commented as he wiped it off his face and spat a mouthful out

“That's gross but nice shot.” I said to him

“Thank you.” Gadget hummed back as he got onto his pedes

I held in my giggle as the green stuff kept dripping off of him.

::Might not wanna let that sit.:: ‘Bee said with amusement

“Ya don't say.” Gadget said sarcastically before he took a few steps back and shook himself like a wet dog.

“Ack! Gadg’!” I whined and shut my eyes

Lucky none of it hit me nor ‘Bee.

“That's better.” Gadget said as he then stopped

I chuckled lightly before we started walking again. I held onto ‘Bee's armour as we went into a slightly darker cage area.

Even in the dark I saw a small glimpse of neon green up ahead.

“I know that green.” I heard Gadget mutter before he then turned on his flood lights but dimmed them.

“Hiya ‘Bee. Hiya Gadg’. Miss me?” I heard a female voice say

I squinted and saw a figure in the dark within one of the cells.

“Soul!” Gadget cried out with a grin as he went over

“Who?” I asked confused

::Soulspark….also known as Gadget's girlfriend.:: ‘Bee said with a snigger

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