Chapter 22

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Zoey's P.O.V

I watched as Gadget was sitting on the ground, with his dad in his servo. Ratchet had on a yellow-green wield mask on as he repaired the latest cuts Gadget got.

Soulspark had left to grab the other ‘bots, while Ironhide went and got the rest of them.

“What's going on?” Lucky asked first

“What's going on is that your species is full of idiots.” Gadget said back, wincing at the wielding

“You humans. After all we have done. You don't know what you've wrought upon yourselves.” Optimus said with a heavy sigh

“What? What is it now? What are you talking about? I mean, I'm doing stuff out of my league here!” Cade replied

Well, Cade, these things happen when you go on a cross country adventure with several cybertronians.

Just saying

“You don't see who's controlling who. Within that man made prototype I fought, I sensed the presence of Megatron.” Optimus went on

“What, the Decepticon that started the Chicago war?” Cade then questioned

“That's the one.” Hunter said as she leaned up against the wall

I then saw the other little blue ‘bot come down. I remember him saying his name was Brains. He reminded me a bit of a mad scientist.

“How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place, hm? They had a whole mess of dead Decepticon heads and they were downloading their minds! And I was in charge of autopsy duty. No union, no benefits, no nothing.” Brains rambled

“And he's off.” Soulspark said playfully and I heard Gadget chuckle.

I then heard the soft smacking of metal and saw Ratchet with the mask lifted up.

“Stop moving or else one of us will get burned. Literally and firguatively.” He said with seriousness

“Got it.” Gadget replied

A moment later, Ratchet flipped down the mask and started wielding again.

I then picked that moment to listen to the rest of what Brains had to say.

“They hooked me up to Megatron, and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought. He fed them the science and specs! All so they could build him a brand-new body. Then he infected it with his evil, nasty chromosomes. They had red, beady eyes. They got all in my lovely locks. Oh, I can smell it right now. Total inside custom job! KSI might have named the body the snappy name like Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!” Brains finished

“You knew this and you didn't warn them?” Tessa said then

“Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark place when you on death row. He's been playing KSI all this time, all so that he could manipulate them into going after the Seed.” Brains replied

“Wait. The Seed?” Lucky asked

“Yes. A seed. Get it though your little fleshie mind.” Ironhide said just as Ratchet finished

" Those nasty soldiers that were chasing us. I saw them board the ship and they took something that they called the Seed.” Tessa said

“They're transporting it right now. I was halfway a mile from their chopper.” Gadget added

“What's a seed?” I asked in unison with Cade

“Listen. Sixty million years ago, give or take an eon…” Hound started

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