Chapter 45

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3rd Person P.O.V

After Drift helped Crosshairs up, they all regrouped.

"Disabled recording of the cameras. However it wouldn't let me disable the cameras themselves." Ace hummed as he scrolled and typed

"What's that mean for us?" Queen asked

Ace grinned slightly as he glanced up, his eyes holding a mischievous look behind his shades.

"Who wants to go into a security room and wreck some shit?" He asked mischievously


A few minutes later, the terror twins got to have some fun.

The two were both on the ceiling beams, above the security guards and systems.

"Ready Sides?" Sunstreaker mused as they both watched below

"Hell yes. Time to create some chaos." Sideswipe grinned


Two security guards were casually talking while watching the cameras while another two were standing off to the side, on break.

Sunny held Sides by the ankles as he lowered him, hanging onto the beam with his feet.

Sideswipe was silently behind one of the on break guards. He grinned a little as he flicked his wrists, activating his blades as he silently killed him, the guard made no sound, dead instantly.

He flicked his wrists again, making the blades retract and the guard collapsed into a heap.

Sunstreaker grunted quietly as he shifted a little, getting a better grip. Sides then repeated the same thing to the second guard.

After that one fell and his blades retracted, Sideswipe gave a grin to Sunstreaker, who then smirked and let go.

"Heeeelllloooooo Atlanta security guards!" Sideswipe said like a game show host

The two guards spun around, seeing Sides smirk a wave. One went to press a button but Sunny caught his wrist

"We shouldn't spoil the fun for the big guy now shall we?" Sunny said amused as he tightened his grip, gradually forcing him to his knees.

The other guard decided to try and do the same thing only to find themselves knocked off their feet, and gasping for breath as the wind was knocked out of them.

"Nice try camera boy." Sides grinned as one of his blades was out, and angle right at the guy's throat, "Have the duct tape?"

Sunny looked amused

"Course I do. Let's get to mummifying." He grinned

Several minutes later, the twins smirked as they looked up at their work.

Both guards were hanging upside down, their feet duct taped to the ceiling beams. Along with their entire bodies minus the head wrapped it duct tape, giving a mummy look. Both also had a strip of duct tape across their nose and mouth.

The twins smirked and fist bumped each other before turning to the computers and cameras

"Chaos time!" Sideswipe whooped as he slid under the table and started cutting wires with his blades

Sunny smirked as he crossed his arms, watched as one by one each camera disconnected and fizzled out

They high fives each other once it was finished

"Let's go. Time now for mayhem." Sunny smirked as Sides grinned


As soon as everything ended up getting disabled, all of them split up and slipped in.

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