Chapter 19

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Zoey's P.O.V

We were currently speeding down to where we saw that ship going. Well, more so I was in the passenger seat, Ironhide was in the driver's seat, hands resting on the steering wheel but not using it, while Gadget's holoform was in the backseat, shirtless, with Ratchet tending to his wounds.

“I am going to kill him.” Gadget hissed as he winced as alcohol hit his chest.

“Who?” I asked, though I think I knew the answer

“Havoc and Lockdown.” He replied with narrowed eyes as he shifted away from Ratchet

“Enough.” Ratchet said, lightly smacking him on the head, before bandaging him up

“Who’s Havoc?” I questioned

“That Tahoe. It called itself ‘Havoc'. It fights like a hybrid of me and ‘Hide. It's suppose to be a ‘better version’ of me. All I know is that next time, I'm gonna be ready and kick it's aft.”  Gadget replied, hate laced his tone

“Fights like me?” Ironhide said angrily

“Yeah.” Gadget replied

‘Hide growled angrily as he crossed his arms.

“Bastards.”  He muttered under his breath

“Done.” Ratchet then said simply

Gadget nodded and pulled his shirt back on

“That will hold you for now. I'll have to wield you later.” Ratchet directed

“You got it.” Gadget replied.

He then leaned forward and touched the headrest of his driver's seat before his holoform disappear.

I then felt him speed up even more

We drove in silence before he made it to a damaged highway. There was a big ship a mile down.

“Lockdown.” Gadget growled

“He has Optimus!” Ratchet then cried out

I looked over and I saw Optimus in his bipedal, trapped in a net with a car.

“Who's that human on the outside of it?” Ironhide inquired, faint worry in his tone

I could understand why, the net was quickly rising up.

“Cade!” Gadget cried out as he quickly speed up

He then screeched to a stop by Lucky Charms.

All three of us quickly got out and Gadget transformed. His transformation sounded a bit better, not so much metallic scraping sounding.

“Cade! Let go!” Gadget yelled

Either he didn't hear him or ignored him.

“Slag, he going to kill himself.” Ironhide stated

I could see what he net. The thing was now a least a couple thousand feet off the ground.

“Ugh. Now we're going to have to things my way then.” Gadget sighed as he took a few steps away from us

“Don't get mad.” He quickly added, looking at Ratchet

I then watched in amazement as Gadget ran forward a bit before jumping into the air and transforming into an orange and black jet.

I heard Ratchet make a noise that sounded like a mix of anger, shock,and worry.

Maybe that's why Gadget told him not to get mad?

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