Chapter 27

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???? P.O.V.

I watched as this kid knocked out his opponent, again.

I've been watching every match and saw this kid start coming in a couple nights ago. Always got this skull mask on and never seems to take it off.

Figures, that’s how most fighters here do it anyways.

But what really impressed me was how he could fight. I mean, this guy was quick and agile, a big one up compared to the rest who just use brute strength.

From what I've heard, he calls himself ‘Doc Knock’. Clever name.

Makes sense, seeing how fast he can knock you out.

The bell chimed and the kid hopped out, being declared the winner. A new match started with two other people.

I saw this ‘Doc Knock’ lean up against a wall, pulling off his gloves.

I took a quick last swig of my drink before getting up.

This kid, somethin’ peaks my interest about him.

I casually went over to him.

“Can I help you?” He questioned, his eyes down as he pulled his gloves back on, tightening the straps.

“Sure. You seem like a talented kid. Haven't seen someone get that many knockouts so fast Doc Knock.” I mused back as I crossed my arms

“Just clever. Whatcha want?” He asked looking up

His eyes were a weird bright blue. Must be contacts or somethin’.

I leaned up against a wall beside he, and I could see him watching me.

“Kid, you interest me. ‘Specially seeing you here at a place like this.” I started, gesturing around, “What are ya here for kid? Here for somethin’, nobody will just do this stuff to do it.”

‘Doc Knock’ went silent for a moment. A few minutes passed before he spoke up.

“Cash and cars.” He said quietly

I chuckled softly

“You're definitely different. Most are here just for glory and fame. They could careless about cash.” I said with a smirk

He looked up again with narrowed eyes.

“I'll always be different. And I got my shit handled so back the fuck off.” He growled, his eyes flashed

Feisty  now.

“Easy there Doc.” I said and he growled again, “I only want to make a deal with you.”

“What could you possibly offer me that I can't get for myself?” He questioned

“Well, course I know ya got the cash covered here. But you ain't got the cars covered.” I retorted and he froze for a moment

Looks like I got his interest.

“I got three for ya. Two heavy duty trucks and a mighty fine rescue vehicle.” I said

I saw him then raise an eyebrow.

“And what is this ‘deal’ you speak of?”

I smirked slightly

“Your next opponent is a might strong ex-military one. Never been beaten once.”


“You beat him. I'll street race ya. One mile. You win ya get all three and one grand pure cash.” I finished

“If I lose?”

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