Chapter 29

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Bolt’s P.O.V

An hour or so had passed after I destroyed those guys at their game.

What was funnier was I wasn’t even tryin’!

They had given me my winnings, pretty begrudgingly. But then again I gave a pretty hearty threat back at ‘em. Disappointingly, my hat was still wet and was going to reek of that drink.


Now I need to find a way to get my hat cleaned.

I looked back over at ‘Che and Zoe. Zoe was curled up against ‘Che, fast asleep.

“Ready?” I questioned quietly

“Yeah.” ‘Che replied back

I nodded and got up. ‘Che got up, gently carrying Zoe, who had her head resting against her shoulder. I payed while she headed out.

“Gracias.” the waiter said kindly as she studied me slightly

“De nada, buenos noches y hasta luego señorita.” I replied, tipping my hat at her with a smirk

She grinned back and I headed out.

I met up with ‘Che, and the two of us started walking back.

“I’m keeping her.” ‘Che said quietly with a grin

“Lies laddie’, we share ‘er.” I retorted with a smirk and she rolled her eyes

“Well then she get’s to be in my alt.” She snipped back

“Fine fine.” I said lazily

‘Che grinned triumphantly and I shook my head.

Goodness with this one.

A few minutes later, we made it back to our alts. The rest of the team was still asleep.

I could tell because their alts weren't as upright, and I saw ‘Hide and Ratch’ asleep in their driver seats.

“Cya Bolt.” ‘Che said as she gently put Zoe in her alt

“Adios.” I saluted back before hopping into my alt.

I was quickly greeted with Blaze’s holoform yapping sleepily and hopping into my lap.

“Hey ‘ere Blazey.” I chuckled and scratched his ears

He yipped happily in response and I smiled slightly.

I then noticed something in my passenger's seat.

I reached over and picked up the bag of chips that I had in my seat.

Only to find it empty.

I looked back at Blaze and saw crumbs all over his snout.

“Helped yourself to a snack now didya?” I questioned him as he yipped back

“This is why I can't leave you with food sneaky.”

Blaze only yipped back and nuzzled up against me.

“Fine fine, I'll let it slide.” I chuckled

Blaze wagged his tail before laying down in my lap.

“Good boy.” I hummed before pulling my hat down over my eyes, and drifted off asleep

Next Day (brought to you by Blaze getting himself a late night snack)

Zoey's P.O.V

I yawned and woke up in Ricochet’s alt. I sat up and saw her holoform just started to wake up in the driver's side.

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