Chapter 26.5

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3rd Person P.O.V

Gadget woke up with a jolt. His eyes adjusted and he glanced around. First thing he notice was it was dark, the only light was peeking through the cracks of the door.

He flipped his phone open and saw it was 1 in the morning. Gadget quickly lowered the brightness, so it wouldn't wake the rest. He shone it around and saw the rest of his friends asleep.

Queen was laying beside Zoey, a story book in her lap as the two slept. Drift and Crosshairs were both asleep in chairs to the left of him. He glanced to the side and saw Soulspark asleep beside him, her head resting against the window sill.

Gadget rubbed his eyes when his phone then vibrated.

Mister Cowboy
1:32 A.M
Hey dude, ya there?

Gadget frowned for a moment before simply ignoring it. He rubbed his eyes and then his phone vibrated again.

Mister Cowboy
1:34 A.M
Gadg', I know you up dude.

Gadget sighed before then replying back.

1:34 A.M
Fine fine, you caught me. Whatcha need?

Mister Cowboy
1:35 A.M
Saw ya and the rest over in Hong Kong. Kick tailpipe?

1:35 A.M
Of course. What have you been up to?

Mister Cowboy
1:35 A.M
Oh, ya know me.

1:36 A.M
Disappointingly.....yes..I know you very well

Mister Cowboy
1:36 A.M
Ouch...harsh. I felt that all the way to my spark. Just kidding. Y'all need a place to crash? Physopath government still going on with ending us

1:37 A.M
Indeed. exactly you do you have a place?

Mister Cowboy
1:37 A.M
Doing my usual dude

1:38 A.M
Kill someone?

Mister Cowboy
1:38 A.M
What? No. Least not recently.

1:39 A.M
Should I be concerned that you hid something?

Mister Cowboy
1:39 A.M

1:39 A.M
Fair enough. Where ya at

Mister Cowboy
1:40 A.M
The state where I can do some epic 'gator wrestlin'.

1:40 A.M
Your in Florida aren't you

Mister Cowboy
1:41 A.M
You know it. Met up point?

1:41 A.M
Let's shoot for New Orleans

Mister Cowboy
1:42 A.M
Hell yeah! Need anything for me to bring?

1:43 A.M
Nope. I got it covered

Mister Cowboy
1:43 A.M
I take it your doing the rare usual. Damn. They better be ready

1:44 A.M
Precisely. I outta get to work.

Mister Cowboy
1:44 A.M
Show 'em how it's done bro'. Catch ya later

1:45 A.M
You know it. Thanks Bolt

Mister Cowboy
1:45 A.M
Course Gadg'

Gadget clicked his phone shut before carefully getting up. He silently made it out of the hospital before climbing into his alt. He drove to the superstore that was nearby. He reversed his alts colors, changing his hair from orange with black streaks to black with orange streaks. Gadget tossed off his doctors jacket, sliding on his leather jacket and grabbed his cowboy hat.

He hummed to himself before headed in.

Moving quickly, he bought himself a new set of clothes and an energy drink.

After checking out, he bid the cashier his thanks before leaving to the bathroom and changing.
Gadget looked at himself in the mirror once he was done.

He now had on an orange tank top and black sleeveless hoodie. Along with a ripped pair of jeans and black and orange high tops. He also now had a skull mask that covered his nose and mouth. He also had a pair of dog tags and band on his upper right arm that covered his Autobot tatto. He pulled on a pair of orange,black, and grey fingerless gloves.

He grinned before flipping on his hood and pulling down the mask.

Gadget smirked to himself as he then left and got into his alt. He set the bag of his other set of clothes in he backseat.

"Let's see who's the baddest of them all." He said aloud to himself as he took a sip of drink before heading downtown.

This is like an important filler chapter if that makes sense. It was small but need in order for the next few chapters to make sense. No idea when I'll do that, this was just a last minute thought. Below is Gadget's new outfit that was mentioned, which belongs to me. And no, that is not my primeverse Bolt.

Peace out!

Peace out!

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