📚BTS2017//SAVAGE Back To School Life Hacks

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1. DIY Some Supplies
Personalizing some school supplies can lower the risk of someone stealing it and "claiming" it as theirs. Also it comes in handy if you ever lend someone one of your supplies and they claim that it's theirs as well.

2. Charge People For Favors
I saw this on Snapchat once and it was this list of supplies from pencils, to chargers, to homework answers and they all had different prices attached to them. I definitely think that it's totally necessary to charge people for these items because pencils and chargers are not cheap for them to just be given out and kept by other people. And homework answers especially are not cheap. But make sure they pay you first so they don't try and cheat you the money. Charge .50 interest for everyday they don't give you the supply back. You bouta make some money this school year 😂😂😂

3. Take A Picture
When lending someone you know for a fact doesn't return your supplies, take a picture of them with that supply and show it to them when they say "no this is my pencil"

4. Word Limit
If your teachers want you to type a certain amount of words but you're running out of things to say, change the color of your words to white and type a bunch of gibberish. Now I say only do this hack if you're desperate. Do not make this an everyday, goto, thing.

5. Alarms
If you're the type of person to wake up after the 7th alarm, this hack is for you. This works best if you have a couple of electronics. I have a tablet, laptop, and phone. Set up the electronics with an alarm one minute away from each other: ex. Tablet-7:00, laptop:7:01, phone-7:02. Set up these electronics in different parts of your house and by the time you have to dread yourself to turn off the alarms and by the time you walk all over the house you should be wide awake.

|Love all you LilyPoppers🔥|

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