🌺Lies That EVERY Girl Tells

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"I'm on my way"
Chances are we're actually on our way, or we haven't even left the bed yet.

"I'm barely wearing makeup"
She'll say this as she wipes off three makeup wipes worth of pure makeup.

"Of course you look pretty"
A girl might say this to you either when she doesn't like you and she doesn't want you to look better than her or she'll say this because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings of your fashion choices.

"Of Course I Didn't Tell Anyone"
Yes she did. She told her boyfriend. She told her best friend. She told her sister.

"I'm on my period"
This is an excuse sometimes girls use when they know they're either eating a lot, or they have an attitude and they want some people to get off their back about their habits.

|Love all you LilyPoppers🔥|

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