🌺How To Survive Finals Season

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So the end of the year is approaching. My spring break is ending and I'm going back to school Monday. I basically have a month of school left, which includes half days. And you already know what happens during the last full month of school. #FinalReview. Finals for me are the last week of school in June. But finals season for my high school starts Monday. So I have some life hacks to help you survive finals season. Later May, I'll do another chapter on how to review for finals but for now, I'll just tell you how to survive.

1. Get a lot of rest
People in high school and middle school don't get as much sleep as they probably should. So during #finals season it's important to make sure you get a lot of rest to be rejuvenated for school.

2. Start Reviewing Early
I get procrastinating is my middle name often times, but during #finals it's important you don't procrastinate. Review as early as possible to make sure you have the knowledge you need in your brain.

3. Steer clear of drama
Focus on #finals. Don't worry about what Susie was wearing yesterday and if she looked cuter than you. Don't worry about Marisa's new boyfriend cheating on her.

4. Ask for After School Help
If you know there is a subject that you might be a little shaky on, ask the teacher for some after school help. And if you don't want to stay alone (which I don't recommend unless you need a lot of help or you're embarrassed), you could always devise a study group of people that have their own individual strengths and you could help each other or stay after school with a teacher if you all are struggling with a specific subject. This definitely gets you prepared for #finals season

5. Take a 30 minute nap everyday
This says enough for itself and it isn't only for #finals, it could be for anything. School stresses people out. Take a nap and relax and unwind everyday. But remember, not for long.

|Love all you LilyPoppers🔥|

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