☄Hair Life Hacks

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These are some life hacks for your hair that will change your life.

1. Loose Ponytail
This will not only prevent bald spots and also prevents headaches.

2. Showers
Most people take a shower when they wash their hair. But you can actually take a shower every day without washing your hair. All you need is a cute shower cap to cover your hair while showering.

3. Don't Wash Everyday
Don't wash your hair everyday. It makes it more oily. Wash it at least twice or three times a week.

4. Hairspray
Spray hairspray on your hand instead of your hair because of the crunchiness of the hair.

5. Cute Curls
The ol' ponytail curling trick, take that trick (putting your hair in a ponytail and curling it 10 times faster). After doing that, put it in a bun, hairspray it and go to sleep. In the morning, take it out and brush through it once and you'll be good to go.

6. Day After Curls
The Kylie Jenner curls look so pretty. But all you have to do braid your hair and flat iron it several times. Unbraid it, and you should be good to go.

7. Makeup
When doing your makeup, put your up so no hairs get stuck in it.

8. Dry Shampoo
Dry shampoo will become your new best friend. Whenever your hair is greasy, spray some in and it will remove or conceal the grease.

9. Washing Hair Schedule
Day 1- Wash (do not blowers--airdry)
Day 2- Should be still clean
Day 3- Dry Shampoo
Day 4- Rewash

10. Messy Bun
When you're running out of time to do anything, put your hair in a messy bun.

I hope you liked all of these hacks. Vote and comment some requests.

|Love all you LilyPoppers💥|

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