Luffy x Reader

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First chapter also my first ever ONESHOT book XD... So I give you all permission to judge this book in any kind of way :P Also I feel like he maybe a little OOC here ;-;
You were currently lying down on the grassy part of the Thousand Sunny. The moonlight was beautiful tonight and you decided to star gaze alone. Well or so you thought. It was already midnight and you just wanted a quiet star gazing night, but then again this is the Thousand Sunny we're talking about. Nothing will be quiet as long as the Straw Hat crew is still around. You heard shuffling from the medium sized corridor to the boys room. Quickly you sat up only to see your mischievous captain, sneaking his way to the kitchen for a small late night snack. You cleared you throat, catching the 19-year old captain's attention.

"Ooooh! Why are you-" you shushed his booming voice before everyone else woke up to his annoying, yet adorable voice. He smiles before giving you a thumbs up. Your heart started to pound against your rib cage.



Gulping you stood up and sighed,"Luffy why are you trying to steal food this late in the night?"

"Shishishi shouldn't I be asking you why you're awake this late at night?" He chuckled with a wide grin on his face.


You blushed and turned away. You slowly turn to face Luffy again, but he had already tiptoeing towards the kitchen. You puffed out your cheeks and swiftly walked up to Luffy. You stared at him intently. The staring seemingly was making your captain... Flustered.

"Luffy go back to sleep." You demanded in a hushed tone. Luffy didn't listen, but instead pulled you into the kitchen with him. "L-L-Luffy?"

"Hmm... Help me get the meat!" He gave you his infamous smile. You popped a vain and whacked him across the head. You were about to scold him, but your stomach started to growl. You covered your reddened face with embarrassment. "Shishishishi! You're hungry too! Let's eat meat together!"




You moved some of your fingers and looked at Luffy's excited brown eyes. You wanted to say no, but your stomach growled again. And then Luffy's stomach growled loudly as well. You removed your hands from your face,"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to eat something..."

Luffy smiled and pulled you to the locked fridge. You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned. What you didn't notice was Luffy staring at your frustrated expression. His face was reddening and he swore if he stared at you any longer his heart would burst out from his chest. So he turned away all flustered without your acknowledgment. You did notice how quiet it has gone. Turning your attention from the fridge to Luffy you noticed he wasn't even looking at the fridge, but at the counter.

"Huh?" You mumbled. You reached out and tugged on his red sleeve,"hey you okay there Luffy? I'll get the meat just wait a little longer..."

"Hu-huh? O-oh! Okay yeah sure!" He stuttered, surprisingly. Somethings up... You immediately thought after witnessing a rare scene. As you stared you just then noticed his flustered face. You gently grabbed Luffy's chin and forced him to look at you. Puffing out your cheeks you studied his reddened face,"Luffy...? Are you sick? Should we get Chopper for help?!" You started to panic.

"Uh? A-ahh! No no I'm not sick! I'm just excited for the meat that's all!" He grinned and started to go back to normal. Phew... You sighed in relief. Your eyes reverted from Luffy's brown ones and stared at your feet. I kinda... Wish he was... Then maybe.. No Y/n! Think there's no way Luffy'll just sit around doing nothing!! You scolded yourself.





Luffy gently places his hand over his heart and stared at your frustrated face. What's going on? Am I really sick?! Maybe the meat I ate this yesterday was bad! No Sanji wouldn't cook something bad! Luffy tried thinking it over, but he couldn't get anywhere with just thinking. I'll just ask Y/n, she'll know for sure!

"Hey Y/n." Luffy calls out your name. You flinched and slowly looked up at him. You hummed a response. "Why do I feel this way?" You looked at him confused.

"Well... I don't know. Tell me what you feel, Luffy." The confusion left your e/c eyes and transformed into a concerned look. Luffy didn't know how to explain what he was feeling, but he might as well try.

His face turned red as he thought about it," Weeeeellll... It's hard to breath and my heart is beating so fast that I can hear it! Umm... My face is hot and my stomachs feels weird... Am I sick, Y/n?"

"And you feel like that now?" You questioned just to clarify.

"Uhmm!" He hummed back and 'giggled'. Maybe he has a fever. You lifted your hand and placed it on Luffy's forehead. It doesn't seem too hot. You frowned and placed both of your hands on his cheeks.


You started to tremble, realizing what he was trying to say. Maybe his love for meat is growing!!! "Luffy..."

"Huh? What's wrong Y/n?" He lifts a brow and looks at your tomato red face. Did I get her sick too?!?! "O-oi! Y/n did I get you sick? Should we really get Chopper?!" Luffy panicked.

"Luffy." You said sternly. You used force to make him look directly at you,"how do you feel about me?"

"Haaaaah?? Why? Your my nakama-" you didn't let him finish because you leaped up at him, giving him a mini bear hug.

You sniffled,"Am I just your nakama?"

"Huh? What else would you be? Does it have something to with me being sick?!" Luffy started to panic, but never noticed he had wrapped his arms around your waist to support you. "Oi! When did you get taller than me?" He just realized? How do I tell him he's in love with someone?

"Luffy. You're in love with someone." You bluntly state with out hesitation.

"HAAAAAAHH?!" He screamed. You flinched also that caused you both to fall. "Ah! I'm so sorry Y-"





I can't believe I'm kissing my captain!! You blushed and you felt Luffy kiss back. Your arms were around his neck and your fingers were intertwined in his black hair. He held you with one hand while the other pushed you both back up. Leaving you sitting on his lap. A few minutes later you both separate for air.

"-huff- huff- Luffy... I love you." You whispered into his ear.

"Shishishi! I love you too!"

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