Rebecca x Male! Child Reader pt.3

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Rebecca rushed around. It was only a few hours ago when she and M/n made that bet. A few hours ago when she told him that she'll always be there... It was only a few hours ago before the war had happened. Lucy and his crew were fighting Doflamingo and his family, even some of the gladiators joined forces with Lucy. Right now Rebecca only had one thing in mind, to find M/n. They and the wounded gladiators were escaping when M/n said he heard his mother's voice. Rebecca saw some of the gladiators try to stop him from leaving the group, but he managed to get away. When she realized this was bad, she told the gladiators to leave without her.

"But we can't leave you!" One had said.
Rebecca frowned, "You have to! I'll find you all once I get M/n back!"
They all hesitated. "Alright fine! But you have to come back with the boy and alive!"
"You go it!" And with that Rebecca left to find M/n.

The building was collapsing. She needed to find him and fast! Rebecca rushed through the halls shouting his name, hoping that he'll respond. He never did.


The only thing she heard were the building crackling and tumbling over itself and the sound of her own pleading voice echoing. Rebecca's pink eyes watered. She didn't want to lose M/n, not now... Not ever!

"M/N!" She exclaimed again. "PLEASE! ANSWER ME!"
"REBECCA!" Her heart stopped. It was M/n!
Rebecca bursts into tears, "M/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
"Ack--IM HERE!" His voice came from... The left!

Rebecca made a sharp left turn, but kept running. M/n kept shouting 'I'm here' so that she was able to find him by voice. Everything seemed to be going so slow. Rubble fell from the ceiling, hallways were being blocked, and dirt was flying around in the air, making it hard to breath or see! Rebecca made another sharp turn, but to the right. Right when she was about to keep running, she was blocked. Her eyes trailed down. There. There laid M/n. Large pieces of the building were sitting on top of him. Rebecca sobs.

"Stop... Crying--ack!-- will ya?! Get these---off of me!" M/n growls.
Rebecca wipes her tears away and tries lifting one of the many pieces of the building. "I-I can't p! It's too heavy!"
"You can do it! Please don't leave me here!" M/n pleads.
"I won't leave you here!" Rebecca vows. "I'll never leave you M/n!"
Tears swelled up in his e/c eyes. "Thank youuu... Thank you Rebecca!"
She grunts. "Don't thank me--Yet!" Rebecca finally lifts the concrete up and off of M/n. It's taking all of her strength to keep it above her head. "Get--ugh.. Out! Now!"
M/n lungs forward. Crawling on all four to get out of the tight space. "You did it!"
"AHck!" Rebecca drops the piece of concrete. "Let's go."
M/n grabs her hand. "Yoshhh."

Rebecca lifts M/n onto her back. He didn't argue this time because of the situation. Rebecca then started back tracking. She turned back the way she came before stumbling upon M/n, there was a long hallway then another turn. M/n his his face in Rebecca's shoulder, he was fooled by his own mind and ears!

"We're almost out M/n!" Rebecca sighs.
M/n sniffles. "When we're out... Where do we go?"
"The castle."
Rebecca clicks her tongue, "I'm going to the castle to kill Doflamingo."
"Eh?! But that Lucy dude is fighting him as we speak!" M/n hollers.
"And?! I need to try!" Rebecca shouts angrily.
M/n clenches his fists, "What if you don't come back?! You'll leave me alone and that would make you a lier!"
She flinches, "M/n..."
"Please don't leave me! You said you'd stay with me forever!" He sobbed.
Rebecca rushes through the exit of the building. "And I will!"
"Not if you end up dying in the fight!" M/n argued back.
Rebecca slowed her pace, they were quite far from the collapsing building now. "But I can't just do nothing! I have to help too!"
M/n hopped down from her back. "Then... THEN LET ME FIGHT WITH YOU!"

Rebecca was taken aback. Let him? A kid? Fight too? No way! She hesitated. She didn't want to leave him or lose him... But either way she has to do something.

"Alright... But before we go, promise me that's you'll survive." Rebecca kneeled down and held out her pinkie.
M/n wiped away his tears and grinned. "Only if you promise too."
They linked pinkies. "Let's go!"

The war was over. Lucy won! Everyone was finally safe! Rebecca looked around the crowd and spotted M/n. His bruised face turned to face her with a big smile. Two people came up to him and picked him with with teary eyes. Rebecca's smile faltered, it was his parents. M/n had his mother's hair and his father's eyes and nose. Her pink eyes widened when M/n pointed over at her. Was he talking about her to them? His parents put him down and looked over at Rebecca. They had smiles are their faces. Rebecca returned her focus onto M/n. He raced over. Jumping into the air, he gave Rebecca a big bear hug.

"I'm gonna miss you..." Rebecca hugged him back.
M/n leaned back a rose a brow, "What are you talking about? I'm stay with you remember?!"
"Huh? But your parents..." Rebecca trailed off.
M/n smiles, "I'm gonna have two baby brothers soon... So they said it was okay for me to stay with you and visit from time to time."
Rebecca teared up, "Is that so? Then, it looks like you'll be living with me."

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