Ichiji x Reader

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Ichiji's pov

I stomp my way through the halls of the Germa 66 castle. It's been a stressful morning. I kick open the door to my room, only stop in place.

"Ichiiiiiii!" Y/n, my wife, groans as she rolls over to face me. "The baby is sleeping."

Sighing, I shut the door(s?), "Sorry..."

"Oh, I didn't know you learned a new word today!" She giggles.

I fight the smile forming on my face. "Shut up."

Y/n sits up ans stretches, "Must've been a hard morning if you're that upset. Care to tell me?"

"I would rather not get you caught up in my business." I walk over to her and give his a light kiss.

"You know I don't mind." She caresses my cheek.

I sigh, "I know... But-"

"It's fine, silly. If you don't want to talk about it, then don't. I won't bug you until you tell me." Y/n pecks my cheek before carefully lifting the baby(that's sleeping next to her) into her arms.

"Looks... Fragile." Sitting beside her, I look over her shoulder and stare at the little infant.

She smiles, "He/she is fragile. For now at least."

"Does it have a name?" I mumble.

"Ichiji! You were there when we named him/her!" Y/n nudges me playfully.

I pull her close, "I know."

The infant opens its eyes. Shining e/c eyes stare into mine. It yawns.

Y/n squeals, "Look at his/her cheeks! So chubby!"

"When can I start training him/her?" I poke its cheek.

Y/n scoffs, "Not until we know he/she can do all that, whoosh and bam bam, stuff."

"Hmm... Strange, I-" Y/n cuts me off.

"You were about five when your father started training you and your siblings. Don't even think about it, you old fart." She hides the infant's face into her chest.

I sigh, "I... Nevermind."

"You wanna hold (name)?" Y/n's eyes sparkle.

I hesitate, "It won't bite right?"

She giggles, "No, of course not, silly. Here, just hold your arms out like this."

I follow her instructions. Once I was in position, she sets the infant into my arms. (Name)? (Name). He/she keeps reaching out to me.

"Is he/she gonna shoot lasers for his/her hands?" I stare at the chubby hands.

Y/n sighs, "No... Baby's don't have that kind of ability. He/she wants to, probably, touch your face."

My brows furrow in confusion. So, I grab (Name) from under his/her arms and lift him/her to my face. Y/n was correct. He/she started to feel my face. He/she even grabbed onto my glasses.

Y/n laughs, "How adorable! You both have the same eyebrows!"

I set the infant down on my lap as he/she played with my glasses. Sighing, I started to gently pet his/her head.

"(Name) isn't a pet, Ichiji." Y/n leans her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know what to do with a minitursized being." I frown.

Y/n reaches out and plays with (Name)'s chubby cheeks. "You entertain them and teach them to be decent beings."

"That must be long and hard..."

"I hope you do know you're helping me raise this child right?" I flinch at her statement.

Slowly, I look into her e/c eyes. "I am?"

"Well, of course, you are! You put that thing inside me, so you better do your part and help me raise it!" Y/n smacks my arms in frustration.

"Oh... Okay."

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