Sanji x Deaf! Reader

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Hi hello hope your doing good....

You can read lips btw..

Okay bye

Third pov

Sanji looks around for Y/n, his deaf girlfriend. He already checked all her favorite places on the ship. The kitchen, her bedroom, and the library.

"Oi Sanji!" He looks up into the bright blue sky and see Y/n in the crows nest with Luffy.

Sanji's eyes widen, "L-Luffy! What is Y/n doing up there?!"

"Eh? What do you mean? She wanted to be up here!" Luffy whines. Luffy turns around and faces Y/n. The two of them start talking then Y/n starts laughing.

Sanji puffs out his cheeks. What's so funny? Sanji starts to make his way up to the crows nest until he sees Luffy and Y/n fling themselves off. They both land on the deck with a thud. Y/n landed on Luffy, but that didn't seem to hurt him. She rolls off of him and onto her back and bursts out in laughter. Luffy sits up and smiles. "Yahh! That was fun!"

Y/n looks up and sees Sanji. "Ah, Sanji-kun!"

Sanji walks up to her and picks her up bridal style, "And what do you think you're doing? You chose that rascal over your own boyfriend?"

Y/n's eyes went from Sanji's lips to his eyes, "No. I just wanted to build a stronger bond with everyone. You just so happened to see me bonding with Luffy."

Sanji gasps, "Did you already bond with moss head?!"

"Zoro? No, he was the last person i need to bond with."

"I refuse!" Sanji takes Y/n into her room and closes the door(is it locked? You decide)

"Huh? Sanjiiiiii!" Y/n whines in his arms. "My friendship with Zoro is going to faillll!"

"I am okay with that! I dont need you falling for someone like him." Sanji gently lays his girlfriend on her bed.

Y/n giggles. "Why would I fall for him when I have someone like you?"

Sanji blushes and stutters over his words. "I-i- uh..."

"Also, you flirt with Nami and Robin all the time! How do you think i feel?" Y/n cross her arms. Her legs swung over the bed side as she looks into Sanji's eyes.

Sanji leans in and touches his forehead with Y/n's. "I'm sorry... I cant help it, but you do know I only love you right?"

Y/n giggles, "I would hope you love me."

Sanji smiles. "I really do."

"Can you tell me again?"

"Tell you what?"

Y/n leans in and gives Sanji a long and passionate kiss. She grabs his hand and pulls him into the bed. She leans agaisnt the backboard and waits for Sanji's next move. "Tell me you love me..."

Sanji is on all fours on top of Y/n as she leans agaisnt the backboard of her bed. He smiles and kisses her forehead before lieing down on his stomach, face in the crook of Y/n's neck.

"I love you."

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