Rebecca x Child! Male Reader

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Didn't edit :P

You walked through the alley ways of Dressrosa in search for your parents. You've never really seen your parents anymore. They said they were gonna come back to the house, but they didn't. You lived in the house alone, but didn't really like it. Since you were a child you couldn't work to pay of the payment for the house... So you lost your only home. You where M/n L/n, an 8 year old boy who was supposedly abandoned by his parents. And for being so young nobody would expect you to know any better or anything! Which was true, but you have an advantage. People don't expect much from you and you're so curious on why people forget that they had loved ones? So you're trying to find out. And also why haven't you forgotten your parents yet?

You snuck your way into the Colosseum. You've heard about the devil fruit prize and wanted to take a little sneak peek at it. Or to be accurate steal it. You ran through the empty halls. Lots of people were still filing in from the outside. Bunches and bunches of gladiators and pirates gathered. You even saw one scrawny old man... Well his face looks too young for his body.

You ran up to the statue with a guy named Kryos. The best gladiator? He looks so old! You heard shoes walking up from behind you. You gasped at turned, just to see a certain pink haired lady. Your face went tomato red when you noticed her outfit.

"A boy? What are you doing here?" She asks curiously. She crouched down in front of you and smiled. "It's too dangerous for someone so little to be here. Run along home."

You huffed,"I don't wanna. And what's a girl doing here anyways?"

"Well as you can see, I'm a gladiator." She stated with a sad smile. Looking up at her and seeing her pink eyes through her helmet, you could see the sadness in her eyes.

"Why are you sad?" The lady flinched as you asked her. Her eyes fell to the floor and her smile turned into a frown little by little.

"I don't know..." She replies. You both stay quiet for moments to pass. Sighing you pat the lady's helmet in comfort before walking off deeper into the Colosseum.

"Hey! Where are you going?" The lady yelled out after you. You turned around and smiled while waving.

"I wanna find my parents!" You stated before walking off again. You didn't really think that she'd run after you because she was worried, but that's exactly what she did. The lady walked a few meters behind you. It was terribly creepy. "Why are you following me?"

She walked up beside you,"Because I want to help you."

"Help me? Find my parents? You don't even know what they look like!" You hissed at her with annoyance.

"The doesn't mean can't help... And plus do you know what they look like?" She looked down at me curiously.

"Curiosity killed the cat. Don't butt in." You clicked your tongue. The lady looked surprised at your remark, but just giggled with muse.

"You're one smart kid, huh? Tell you what if you can't find your parents, you can always stay with me." She smilies down at me. I glared at her.

"Stay? With you? I don't plan on it!" You rolled your eyes,"I'm going to find my parents somewhere." You began to walk away from her, but she picks you up.

"Then you better start looking." She looks over to once of the windows,"section B started!" She set you down and went off to check out the tournament.

You grumbled and ran off on the search for your parents.

****Time skip because it might be too long XP
It's already been a few hours since you've started your search! You were tiring down. Section C is almost done with its battles, there's just a few more strong guys fighting. You huffed out and sat down on the floor. You tried not falling asleep so soon, but you are a kid. You're going to be tired sometime. You were nodding away to sleep when some one walked up to you. You didn't really see who exactly it was, but when they picked you up you were sure you felt boobs. It's probably that crazy lady... You finally closed your eyes and fell asleep.

You had reopened your eyes in a field of grass and wheat. Standing up the sun blared down onto your skin, giving you a wonderful sensation. Breathing wasn't much of a problem anymore. The air was felt free and calming than it ever did in Dressrosa.

"M/n! Don't sleep over there, you might catch something!" Turning your attention to the feminine voice, you notice it was a lady... But blacked out. "Don't stand there! Come on! I need your help to surprise Papa with a good meal tonight!" The lady seeming smiled at you.

"Mom...Mama?" You called out to her.

She didn't respond. She walked away with bundles of wheat and two baskets on her right hip.

"Mama?!" You ran after her, but she was fading. You stopped running and turned around to see a manly figure standing over there. "Papa?!"

"Oh! M/n, tell me what Mama plans for dinner tonight!" He waves his hand and a small greeting before fading out just like the lady.

"Papa, don't leave me!" You ran back towards him, but you were too late... He vanished in thin air. "Mama... Papa... PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Your voice ringed out through everything. It echoed far and wide.

You snapped.

You woke up sleeping on... A pair of boobs. "Ah!" You moved from the person and looked up warily only just to see the pink haired lady.

"Huh? Oh nice to see your awake. You were holding on a bit too tight, hehe." She nervously chuckled as she rubbed a side of her breast. You blushed.

"Sh-shut up! Where am I?!" You questioned angrily. Looking around you see a cage filled with bandaged up men. Your eyes widened at the sight of them. They were injured that badly in the tournaments?!

"So before I have to leave, tell what you name is." The lady smiles.

"I refuse to." You stated blandly.

She giggles,"Then in exchange for your name, I'll give you mine."

"I don't want your name!"

"Too late. I'm Rebecca and you are?" Rebecca smiles leaving her hand out to shake. Sighing you took her hand.

"My names... M/n." You mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"Nice to meet you." Rebecca pulled on your hand causing you to fall back into her. Your fave ended up in between her breasts. You became tomato red. Sitting you you tried to leave, but she started to cradle your small body. "Must be hard not having your parents around."

You paused for a moment and looked up at her. She had tears quietly streaming down her face,"huh? Rebecca are you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, yes I'm alright." She smiles down at you.

One of the injured gladiators tapped her shoulder,"It's time for you to go out."

Rebecca inhaled deeply before setting me down on the cold stone floor,"Well... I'm off to win!" Everyone cheered except you, since you had no clue what she meant, but you didn't feel like asking. "I'll see you later, M/n."

"Huh? Uh- right..." You say before Rebecca left you alone with the injured men.

"Looks like the kid has a crush on Rebecca!" The men started to tease. You blushed and glared at them.

"Sh-shut up! Who'd like her anyways!?" You huffed.

"Everyone. Because she is apart of the Riku family." Another of the men state.

You looked over at the man,"Riku? So she's a princess."

"Technically, but since you're a kid you can't have her!" The men laughed again and teased more. You blushed even more as they continued to tease. So what if I do like her?! It's not like she'd like a bratty kid anyways...

Rebecca's mind: M/n is so cute! I do wonder where his parents are... But if they find him he probably won't be able to hang out with me. I surely will miss him once his parents find him...

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