Zoro x Child! Reader

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I just literally made up a name and called it good XD everyone does that right? Dunno what to call the actual island so I'll just put I/n for Island Name :33

Third person

Young Y/n ran through the streets of the Kilai Village, causing mischief as she ran towards the port. She had heard a group of pirates from the Worst Generation had shown up looking for some supplies before they head off again. And of course her village wanted to see for themselves, hopefully Y/n wasn't disappointed by the crew. She ran up to the crowd... Of mostly young looking ladies and maybe four or five men with weapons strapped to their backs. Y/n shoved her way through. Once she had finally made it to the front of the crowd she first sees the tornado-like blondie with a weird brow swirl. She smirks. Sneaking around the crowd of people Y/n searches for a rope. The young girl snickers quietly as she snuck up to the lady-crazed blonde. Y/n swiftly threw the rope at the man, but before she could pull back the rope to make him topple over, a green haired swordsman roughly pulled her back and into the air. She shrieks. This caught the attention of the tornado man.

"Oi Marimo! What do you think you're doing to that young lady?!" He shouts with rage.

The swordsman clicks his tongue,"At least you're lucky I got hold of her before she rammed you into the ground!"

"HA?! Are you accusing other of something?!" The blonde man shouts. He puts his hands into his pockets, and slightly lifted his right leg. The swordsman dropped me as he reached for his three swords. Y/n grinned. She rushed to get the ropes that were now laying on the floor, under the blonde man. As the two men were distracted, Y/n wrapped the rope around their ankles, then tied the ends of the rope to a pole and a fire hydrant. Once the two men finally stopped insulting each other and lunged, they both fell flat into their faces. This caused everyone to gasp and turn their attention towards Y/n. She snickers and points at the two pirates.

"That's what you get for not paying attention!" Y/n stuck her tongue out and ran off. Everyone was now shouting and cursing at the little girl. Y/n already knew why they were yelling at her, but did she care? I don't think so. She ran from the village towards the forest. Nobody would even go there anymore because they think it's haunted.

Y/n knows better than to believe such stupidness, and so she claimed the forest as her home. Everyone on the island calls it Y/n's I/n Garden.

Y/n stopped sprinting once a ginormous willow tree came into view. She smiles up at the tree, "How are you today mother?"

Yes, Y/n was an orphan... More like an abandoned orphan. She didn't mind of course, but since her mother first showed her this willow tree she basically already claimed it as her own. This little girl lived alone in a secret cottage that was hidden in the tree before her. Y/n's ears perked as a branch snapped from behind her. Twisting around she became face to face with the green headed swordsman.

"I found you, you little brat." He murmured deeply.

Y/n gulped,"What are you doing here?! Hasn't anyone told you this is my garden?!"

"So this is what they meant about Y/n's I/n Garden..." He whispers."Sorry to say, but I don't listen to anyone except for my captain... And navigator."

"Tch, whatever... Just leave my garden alone." Y/n rolls her eyes," I'd like it to stay peaceful around here."

The swordsman yawns,"You got a place I can stay in for a while?"

"Why? Dint you have your pirate ship?" She raised a brow, and questioned him.

The man shrugged,"It looks peaceful around here, so I might as well take a nap."

Y/n growled under her breath,"Then nap out here!"

The man yawned. He looked down and glared at her, not that it scared her much anyways... Maybe just some goosebumps. "I can tell the tree right there is a house... Don't mind if I do."

He then begins walking towards the willow tree. Y/n gasps and rushes after him. "No! Go away you rotten, old man!!"

He pauses. Y/n looked up at the swordsman only to see him glaring at her. "I. Am not old!"

"Tch you are too!" She retorted,"you have wrinkles on your forehead, and your eyes are sagging!"

He quickly puts his arm up and under Y/n's chin and gave a slight tug. "Take that back you runt!"

"No way!" She snickers. Before he could choke her, she squeezed out of his grasp and ran back towards the dock... Where the Sunny was.

"OI ZOROOOOOO-- ADEEE?!!" Looking back Y/n saw Mugiwara no Luffy state as he saw his swordsman chase a little girl.

The blondie came back with an angered expression,"OI MOSS HEAD, DON'T YOU DARE HURT THAT LADY!!"

"SHUT UP SHITTY COOK!!" 'Zoro' yells back. Y/n smirked evilly. She skidded to a stop and ran back towards Mugiwara and tornado man. On the way back Y/n had grabbed an empty bucket and some ropes. The two other men came into view, Y/n couldn't even hold in her excitement. She ran in front of them and into the meat store they were about to walk into to.

She heard the door open and close as Zoro ran inside looking for her.

Giggling Y/n set up the ropes and the now water filled bucket over there, and to be more extra she added more buckets around the room, but they were filled with different liquids.

The door opened once again and that triggered the ropes to pull back causing the buckets over the door to spill out and all over the next to costumers... Mugiwara and tornado man. Y/n jumped up onto a counter and smirked at Zoro. He grumbled and tried to lung for her, but instead triggered another trap.

The other buckets then fell and covered Mugiwara, tornado man, and Zoro. "And victory is mine." Y/n smirked. Zoro wiped his face clear and glared at Y/n.

The goose bumps were back.

"You little--!" He lunged forward again and brought you into a gentle, but harsh headlock.

"Hey! Let me go Zoro!" Y/n cried out as she struggled to slip away from his grasp.

Zoro chuckled,"No way Y/n. I'm definitely going to get you back for this prank of yours."

"Shishishi! I don't think soooooo!" Y/n smirked. "But your always free to try."

"Good, because once I get you back..." Zoro grins,"victory shall be mine!"

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