Shanks x Reader

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Third person pov

You had been apart of the Red Haired pirates for sometime now. You sat in your room reading a book about mythical animals and how they used to coexist with us humans. Then you started to think about how you and the crew hit it off quite well when you all first met, 4 years ago.

You walked into a/the bar because your best friend and brother needed an extra waitress for the day since the village's snobby bitch is out trying to get hooked up with the pirates... Well she's still looking for them of course. Once you walked in you were fave to face with a huge group of pirates. Immediately when you saw that fiery red hair you knew who they were. The Red Haired pirates and their captain, Shanks, one of the four emperors in the so called new world.

"Y/n! Can you go out back to get more booze?!" Your best friend, F/n, shouted from behind the bar. You blinked at her three times before giving her two thumbs up. As you walked through the room and back to the storage room F/n shouted again," Thank you! I love you!"

"Love you too!" You hollered back once you where heading out the last door to the booze area. You didn't know how many barrels you needed, so you just took--rolled four entire barrels in. You went back into the room and got six bottles of booze just in case. "Hey F/n! I need help!" You called out to her. She races into the room and helps you take the booze out to the bar, where the pirates started to drink even more... Especially their captain!

F/n snorted,"I didn't know pirates drank so much! Do you think their hungry?"

"They'll be hungry sooner or later... For now let's just wait until they say so." You suggested as you stated at the enormous crew. One of the pirates walked over to you both with a kind smile.

"Hello." He says

You smile back,"Hi! Anything I can get you?"

"Actually yes, the big wort hog over there is eating his meat too fast, so we'll need bunches of more meat." You snorted at the rude remark he called his own crew mate, but you nodded anyway and began coming up some meat. Once you where done rushing the meat your brother, B/n, finally came in and served them their food... Or well the so called big wort hog.

Your brother cam back over to you and rolled his eyes,"Their captain wants to see you..."

"Whys that?" You ask, but he just shrugs and walks away. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and walked over to the table with the captain of the Red Haired pirates, Shanks. "I heard you called for me, sir." You quietly stated politely.

The man laughs and waved his booze bottle free hand in the air," No need to be so polite!! Now I wanted to know if you could have a drinking contest with me."

Your ears perked. Heaven knows you loved to drink, but everyone tried to knock that addiction out of you. Then again you would drink in secret, but since this is a competition you weren't going to back down now,"Sure why not. I've always wanted to see what it was like to drink with pirates." Smiles you grabbed an extra seat and sat down while Shanks gave you a barrel mug filled with booze.

"Now just because you're a girl, does NOT mean I'll go easy!" You laughed. As he chuckles.

"I never said go easy on me!" You winked at him. Before you two started the men around the table counted down from five. Immediately after they said one you picked up the mug and chugged down as fast as you could. The salty and sour yet sweet taste passed through your tongue down your throat. It sent you chills. Shanks slammed his mug down first and grabbed another one. Your hand gripped the other mug, and then quickly you switched mugs. You did the same trick the third time around, but Shanks was pulling a head of you. You haven't Drs k in so long you must've thought your heart nor stomachs could take anymore, but didn't want to give up... So you chugged and basically choked faster until you where at least one barrel a head of the pirate captain. Shanks did a turn on you and managed to get a tie, you both slammed down the mug and glared at each other.

"Never thought that I'd get a tie to a pretty lady." He muttered. Smirking you winked at him and stood up.

"Not bad, but I could've done better." Shanks chuckled and pulled you back down into your seat.

"Don't get too cocky, there's no way you'd ever beat me in a drinking contest." He retorted sluggishly.

Snorting you pulled both his cheeks,"If we got a tie on our first contest then maybe our next one will end up with a winner-- Me."

Before he could reply F/n called for you," Y/n! Random person called for you on the transporter snail!"

"I have friends?!" You called back

F/n threw her shoe at you,"HEY WATCH WHAT YOU'RE SAYING! I feel like you lie to me whenever you say 'I love you' to me..."

You chuckled and ran up to her. Giving her a bone crushing bear hug,"Don't worry I love you the most!!!"

Tears fell from her eyes,"You're lying to me."

"There's cookies in the cookie jar." You called out to her once you started walking to the back room where the snail was still ringing. You hear her gasp and start running around the bar.

The call didn't take too long. It was just your mother calling from the North Blue, just to see how you were doing. ------------

You heard a soft knock on your door. Closing your book you walk up to the door and open it. You see a drunken Shanks standing at your door way.

"Do you need something captain?" You raise a brow and chuckle quietly to yourself.

Shanks smirks and leans into you, trying to give you a hug,"Call me captain again, but make it more sexy."

You blushed and dropped him," W-watch your mouth C-captain..."

He sits up and looks at you with pleading eyes,"Pleeeeeeeeasssse??"

"No, now go a-"

He jumps up and takes your hand,"Let's have a drinking contest! If you win I'll have to do something you tell me to, but if I win you have to kiss me!"

Your eye twitched. He knew where to hit you the hardest. Everyone knows you love to drink, that's why you fit in so well,"Alright captain... May the best man win."

"You mean woman?" He asks randomly

"Yeah right. So you're a women?" He smirks and strikes a pose.

"Fuck yeah I am! Lemme borrow your heels!" You gave him your heels and he tried to wear then, but his feet were too big. But since he's drunk he wore the heels back down to the deck where you guys were doing the contest. Everyone whistled and made fun of his, but he didn't fucking care. Not a single shit was given.

After the contest because I am lazy...

You won. That's it you won. Shanks was upset and drunk like everyone else... Except Benn. You were quite drunk after drinking 43 barrel mugs of booze and everyone drank probably more than you so their going to have the worst of the worst hangovers in the morning.

"So what do I have to do Y/n?" Shanks asks with a saddened face.

You smirked and pulled your lips close to his ear,"Why don't you just kiss me and be done with it?"

You pulled away and once you saw Shanks' face you tried not to laugh. He had a happy face of a rapist and a pregnant woman combined! He turned his head toward you and slams his lips into yours. Everyone whistled. You couldn't tell, but Benn was video recording the entire make out session.

Oh boy, in the morning you'll surely regret doing the contest with Shanks.

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