Robin x Male! Reader

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Everything is now gonna be unedited :/
Idc pov

Robin was sitting in the sun while reading a book. It was her and M/n's turn to stay on and watch the sunny. M/n on the other hand was freaking out! Nami was the one who chose the people to watch the sunny, like she always does. Since Nami had recently found out that M/n had a major crush on Robin she thought that the alone time on the sunny was perfect for the both of them. And boy, was M/n pissed, but also happy. M/n was somewhat of a navigator, but he mostly stuck to his metal bat. M/n sighed before finishing up the dishes. Whenever everyone was out and it was just him or him and someone else, M/n would usually clean up the ship... Better have it clean than have rats and roaches. After washing the dishes, he needed to sweep and mop in each room and on the deck, where there were no artificial grass. After that, he needed to tend to Nami's tangerine garden, just in case. Then there was the girls room, their beds might have to be made. Robin looked up from her book when she noticed M/n making his way over to her with a broom. She smiled to herself as he began sweeping.

"Why do you clean when no one is around?" Robin suddenly asks, making M/n flinch in surprise.
He pauses for a moment before looking up and scratching the back of his head, "Well... First of all whenever everyone is around its always about the adventure and I enjoy that, so I guess..."
"You clean because you don't want to miss out on the adventure?" Robin cuts in.
"Sure, that's one way to look at it... Though it could be the only way to look at it." M/n chuckles nervously.
Robin closes her book, "Would you like some help?"
"Hm? Oh! You don't have to, I can do this on my own. You just relax." M/n stumbles over his words quickly.
"I've relaxed enough for today, don't you think so too?" She gets up and smiles mysteriously.
M/n sighs, "I guess... Then can you check if Nami forgot to do anything with her tangerines? Sometimes she forgets because of Luffy, Zo--well mainly everyone."
Robin giggles, "Sure. After that is there anything else?"
"Hmm..." M/n rubbed his chin and thought very hard. "Well, there is yours and Nami's room... I usually do the beds once I'm done with everything else."
"Ah! So you're the one who makes our beds, we have been wondering about that." Robin exclaims with interest.
"Yeah... I apologize if that seems weird, I truly never meant to intrude on yours or Nami's private things kept in there." M/n averts his eyes nervously.
Robin smiles. She walks up to M/n and gently moves his head so that his eyes were looking at her. "There is no need to feel ashamed. We both are very grateful."
M/n blushes at how close he and Robin were, "T-that's a re-lief! Umm... Well better get back to work! Hahaha!"
Robin chuckles, "Of course. There is no need to do the girls room today, I'll do that. Alright?"
"O-oh sure!" M/n stammers.

Robin steps back. She turns on her heels and began making her way toward Nami's tangerine garden. M/n looked sadly as Robin walked away. He grumbled quietly to himself, he could've told her how he felt. It seems he lot his chance... At the moment, there should be other chances while everyone is away, especially Sanji. There's noway he'd let M/n have Robin, he's always so stubborn when it comes to the ladies... But at least he's a great friend. M/n swept sadly, but tried not showing it. He wasn't much of an expressive person that's for sure. Once he was done sweeping, he jogged back I tot he kitchen to get the mop and its bucket. It didn't take him long to finish up all the rooms before moping the deck. He takes his time doing the deck because there could be a great view of the island or the setting sun. M/n hummed. Robin finishes looking for anything missing in the tangerine garden, good thing there wasn't many. She makes she way down the stairs and over to the girls room. Before she entered she looks over at M/n, he wasn't just moping, he was dancing with the mop too! Robin giggles to herself, that memory was a keeper. She entered to room and began to make the beds.

A day had past and for once the whole crew is back without any angry mobs. Everyone had all the things they had went out for, expect for Luffy. Luffy went out there to look for an adventure, which he did not find, therefore he's complaining.

"Ne, ne! M/n, did you tell her?" Nami elbowed him.
He shakes his head and hung his head low, "Nope... I wimped out."
"EH?! But you wimp out whoever there's a fight or something scary!"


"The hell was that?" Nami's aura frightened everyone but Robin.
"Hehe." Robin smiles.
M/n shivers, "Not-nothing Nami-sama..."
"Thought so. Hmph!" Nami stomped over to Robin. "Robin you need to teach him a lesson!"
Robin pondered, "A lesson?"
Sanji jumps in with heart eyes, "TEACH ME A LESSON NAMI-SWAN, ROBIN-CHWAN!"
"SHUT UP!" Nami punches him to the ground. "Ne, so what do you say Robin?"
Robin smiles, "Sure."
"EH?! Oioioioioioioioioi---"
Nami smirks evilly, "GREAT! Now, why don't you take M/n somewhere private?"

Nami began dragging both M/n and Robin into the library. M/n tries to get out of it, but Nami's godly grip holds the back of his shirt. He tries to look at the others for help, but he only gets Sanji's sadden glares, everyone else is pretending they have no clue what's going on.


Nami shoves both of you into the empty library room and locks the door from the outside. M/n gulps.

"N-neeee... What t-t-type of lesson is this?" M/n questions.
Robin smiles, "I have no clue."
"Eh-- then... NAMIIIIII!" M/n calls out. He bangs on the door and pleads to be let out.
"Ne, M/n-kun." Robin calls out calmly. "Do you have a thing for Nami?"
"Uh-- No why?" M/n turns around and blinks curiously at Robin.
"Then do you have a thing for... Me?"
M/n freezes. "Umm... What if I say that I did?"
Robin ponders, "Then I'd kiss you."
"Eh?! For real?!" M/n's heart starts beating faster.
"Yep!" She giggles.
M/n gulps, "Th-then... I do--have a thing for you."

Robin smiles. She walks up close to M/n and rests her hands in his shoulders. M/n nervously, but gently snakes his arms around her waist. Robin leans in close, slowly closing her eyes in the process. M/n didn't know what to do, so he just followed Robin. Within a matter of seconds, their lips had finally met. It was gentle and sweet. M/n had the butterflies, sparkles were felt throughout his body. Robin felt the same, she moves her arms and wraps the around M/n's neck, pulling the, both closer to each other. M/n pulled away for a second to catch a breath before smashing his lips back onto hers. Robin raked her hands through M/n h/c hair and slightly tugged. M/n groaned. He broke the kiss once again and trailed kisses down to Robin's collar bone. Robin flinched at the sudden pleasure she felt when M/n kissed her sweet spot. She let out a small moan like whimper. M/n caught on and continued. After only a few moments, M/n stopped. He stood straight and looked into Robin's blue eyes.

"Maybe we could continue this some other time..."
Robin tilted her head, but smiled. "When we're alone, yes we can."
"Oi, Nami can we come out now?" M/n calls out.
There were a few clicks before the door knob turned and the door flung open. "Yes, yes you can."
Sanji was being held back by Franky, "OI HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY ROBIN-CHWAN! ILL KILL YOU M/N!"
M/n smirked. "She's my Robin-chwan now." Robin giggled.
"Is that possible?" Chopper wondered.
Usopp shook his head, "No that's not possible..."

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