Heat x Fragile!Reader

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I have no idea what I am doing anymore ;-; idk if he's OOC or not, but I mean I have no idea what's happening anymore, sooooo forget editing -3-"

Heat's pov
It's been a year and a half since the new girl joined the crew. Master Kidd has been making her work a lot more than the others. I've never actually spoken to the girl properly, but she seems to stay clear. Not just me, but everyone. Her name was Y/n. Just Y/n.

"HEY! Lil' shit I need ya!" I hear Master Kidd holler for Y/n. He always called her that vulgar name whenever he was pissed... Which was all the time.
"Eek-!" Y/n rushes past me. Her h/c locks bounce behind her as she hastily makes her way toward Master Kidd's room.
As I kept walking, I eventually walked past the room she ran into, "I-is that all?"
"NO! After you get the extra scrap, you need to get lunch ready. Got it?" Master Kidd orders angrily.
Y/n nods and bows down, "Ye-yes sir."
"Now," I stopped. Walking back I peeked into the room and saw Master Kidd throw two knives at Y/n. One hits her shoulder while the other one barely misses her head. "GET OUT AND GET TO WORK!"
I jumped out of the way as Y/n scurries out of the room and rushes down the hall to get to the exit. I stare in the direction she had ran.
"Heat. I know you're there, get your ass in here."
I walked into the room with a blank expression. "What is it?"
Master Kidd sighs, "I need you to help the girl hull in the extra scrap, but after that... Don't help her with nothing."
I blinked. "Got it."
"Good. Now get out." He leans back in is chair and growls.

I turn to leave. Closing the door behind me, I began making my way out of the building. Y/n should be far ahead, but I'll find her.

Four hours later... I couldn't find her! I was rushing through different towns and different parts of the forests. Where could she have gone?

"Heat?" I paused. Y/n? "What're you doing here?"
Turning around I see Y/n with three wagons with bundles and bundles of scraps. "Uh... Master Kidd ordered me to help you take the scraps back."
"O-oh! He did?" Her e/c widened with surprise.
"Here, let me help you." I extended my hand, signaling for her to give me one or two of the wagons.
She hesitated. "Y-you sure?" I just give her a nod. She gulps nervously before handing me one of the wagons. "I'll... I'll just give you... This wagon..."
"Alright. Let's get back then." I turn around and started to walk back.

I hear her whimper behind me, but no comment. Just by being near me it seems she's very uncomfortable. I slow my pace so that her and I are walking side by side, I look to my right and tilt my head. She flashes me a sad smile. Though she continues to walk in silence. She turns to face forward and started to quicken her pace. She obviously knows she took too long making her way back to the building(or camp whatever...). My dull ebony eyes land on what seems to be... A marine warship?! Y/n noticed too because if what she did next. She dropped the handle and yanks the huge bags that were resting on the inside if the wagon. The bags had rested on both her shoulders as she turned back to look at me before rushing off. I wanted to call out to her, but I knew I couldn't. If I did the marines would notice me or worse, they'd notice her. Dropping the handle, I grabbed the bag and raced after Y/n. I couldn't lose her, she's apart of the crew too. I couldn't find her... Again! Suddenly shots were fired. Not where near me that's for sure, but maybe near someone else... Y/n! I immediately just dropped the bag of scraps. I needed to find her! I don't have an exact reason why I had to, but I just really needed to. I ran towards the shootout. Hoping to find Y/n safe and uninjured.

"WATCH OUT!" I was tackled to the ground. The person and I landed behind a bunch of barrels and a flipped party table. Groaning, I grabbed my hand and squinted at the person on top of me. H/c hair... E/c eyes... Y/n!
"Y-y/n! You're okay!" I sat up. Making her slide down into my lap.
She blushes. "Y-yeah! Um... We should get going..."
"But first... Did you get caught?" I questioned
Her e/c eyes looked down in shame, "Uh-huh... The marines saw me running and they started firing. I lost the two bags of scrap for the captain."
I reached out and patted her gently on the head. "Well, at least you're okay."
"Nuh-Huh!" She sudden hollers. "Captain is gonna kill me if I don't return with his scrap!"
Her whimpers filled my ears, I couldn't even hear the gunshots. "Then we'll make it up to him by getting rid of the marines."
"Huh?" She looks up at me with surprise. "There's do way! I can't do that, I'm weak and a good for nothing! The only thing I am is an errand girl!"
I snort. "Not if you try. I'll protect you from Master Kidd, okay?"
Tears slowly fall out of her eyes. Her eyes shine and glitter with gratitude, "R-really? Yo-you'll... Protect me? Me? Of all people!" Y/n hides her face in her hands.
"Yes. You are apart of the Kidd Pirates too, no matter your position... I'll protect you."
"Promise?" She mumbles. She reaches out with her pinkie, waiting for me to lock our pinkies together. And that I did.
"I promise. Now let's get rid of these marines." I help her up and wipe away her tears. "You can do it."

We both got up from the ground and raced out together. Most of the people were still pushing and shoving, trying to get out of the town since the marines were blasting everything with their guns. I ran and halted in front of Y/n. She pauses and looks at me with concern. Taking a deep breath, I manage to blaze flames from my mouth. My flames had caught multiple marines, giving them (probably)third degree burns. Once I've finished, I step out of Y/n's way. Her e/c eyes look up at me with admiration and excitement. Blinking, I give her a smack on the back, basically signaling her to attack or do something at least. He takes a deep breath and then charges forward. My hands make their way down to my sides to grab the duo knives resting in the sheaths. As I carefully watch Y/n box and kick marine men and/or women, I subconsciously smile with glee. My legs raced forward and started slashing at the closest men and/or women. Before our sudden attack got too far, cannons were shot off. I freeze. Cannons? Looking over I try to find Y/n somewhere in the crowd. She wasn't paying the cannons any mind! She was... Enjoying herself. My eyes widened as one--no two! Men slash out at her, they managed to stab her on her shoulder and thigh. Quickly, I got rid of the men surrounding me and started making my way toward her before anyone tried finishing her off.

"Y/n!" I call out to her. "We gotta head back now before you get even more injured!"
She roundhouses three guys in a row, "Okay! Can we leave... Now?!"
I lung sideways and got a grip on her wrist. "Let's go!"

I started rushing through the crowd. My blades were safely back in the sheaths as we finally managed to slip away. We both ran to where we both thought the building(camp) was.

"Ack!" Y/n's hand slipped out of my grip. Stopping, I turn back and see her on the ground.
"You okay?" I panted.
She sits up and groans, "Yep... Just realized I have a headache and now got myself a sprained ankle... By falling over a tree root!"
I chuckle. "Come on, I'll carry you on my back then."
Y/n blushes, "H-hehe there's no need! I can totally walk!"
"Too late." I crouch in front of her and waited for her.
"O-okay then... No choice." She mumbles. Y/n slowly hulls herself into my back. Her s/c arms wrap around my neck as her legs wrapped around my hips. I then stood up. I grabbed a hold of her by gently grabbing her thighs, being careful enough to not squeeze too hard because of her wound. "Well then..."
"Hold on." I tell her before I started running off again. She lets out a small yelp as I suddenly jerked her back when I ran.
When we made it back Master Kidd wasn't all too happy, but he let it slide because of the marines. So long story short, Master Kidd yelled at both me and Y/n, but "forgave" us. Y/n and I were now in the infirmary. She was teaching me how to fix up wounds and a sprained ankle, although I was very difficult so she just did most of it herself.

"Thank you... Heat."
I looked into her eyes, "What for?"
"Well... For everything you've done for me today." She gave me a soft smile.
"I did say I was going to protect you didn't I?"
She rolls her eyes, "Yeah from captain."
I got up from the metal stool I was sitting on and walked over to the bed Y/n was laying on. I sat down at the end. "How about I change what I said?"
"C-change?" She squeaks.
I nod. "Yeah... I promise to protect you from everything."
She blushes. "Then how will I learn to survive if I don't get hurt?"
"Ill teach you... I'll teach you without getting you hurt." I vowed. "That way, you won't die while trying to learn how to survive."
She giggles. "So you're telling me... The plan is not to die?"
I give her a smile, "I guess I am."

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