Luffy x Male!Reader

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Reader's pov

I rushed out of the kitchen. I only had one thing in my mind... Luffy. Why? Well... He ate my damn strawberry short cake! I looked around the deck for him. It didn't take me long to finally find him sneaking past Franky, while using Zoro and Usopp as a shield.

"LUFFYYYYY!" I shrieked with anger.
He freezes and slowly moved his head to face my raging figure, "H-hah?"
"You damn brat!" I stomped up to him. "You are so goddamn lucky that you're the captain or else I would've wreaked you myself!"
"OI! I'm not juuuust the captain!" He stood up straight and smiled his signature smile.
Zoro sighed. "He's right you know."
Usopp grinned, "Yup! And plus it's quite cute, the girls think so too!"
I blushed. "S-shut up!"
Luffy leaped onto to me, making me stumble backwards. "Ne! Are you still mad?"
I hesitated, "Yes! I reeeeeally wanted to eat that!"
"Haaaaah? Sorry, sorry!" He pouted.
"Why don't you both just make an entire new cake together?" Franky commented.
Usopp froze, "With Sanji's supervison of course!"
Luffy frowned, "Eeeeeh?! That's no fun! I want to make the cake with M/n alone!"
"OI! Better safe than sorry!" I gently pushed Luffy off of me. "And plus it's basically Sanji's kitchen... Since he is the cook."

Luffy began to pout again. We both went back and forth about the baking topic. Everyone already knows Luffy cannot cook and well... I can't cook either. At least I've never tried. Eventually, we came into an agreement.

"So... Let me get this straight." Sanji blinked, puzzled, at Luffy. "You want to bake a strawberry short cake with M/n... Alone?"
"Yep!" Luffy grinned. "We can can't we?"
Sanji raked his hand through his hair, "I'm not sure if I can trust the both of you to not burn down the kitchen."
Luffy puffed out his cheeks. "Haaaah?! Captains orders!"
In unison, mine and Sanji's jaws dropped. "HAH?!"
"OI, OI, OI! You're using the 'captains order' thing?!" I stared at him with shock.
Sanji sighed. "Well... I can't say no to that."
"Sanji!" I looked at him with surprise.
"What? There's nothing I can do once he pulls out that card!" He shakes his head. "Kitchens yours."
"YAHOO!" Luffy cheered. "Come on, N/n!"
I blinked. "H-haaaai!"

Luffy dragged me into the kitchen by grabbing my wrist and racing in. I wonder if he has something planned out or he just wants to be alone with me... Once we were inside, he let go of my wrist and made sure the kitchen was off limits... By barricading it with all of the chairs in the kitchen.

"Bro, for real?" I sighed in defeat. "This better be worth it Lulu!"
His head whipped around, eyes filled with stars. "You called me Lulu!!"
"I-is that too weird?" I cupped my cheeks in my hands in concern.
"Eh? No! I like it!" He laughs.
"Of course you do... Your alias on Dressrosa was Lucy!" I puffed my cheeks out and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my overall. "Hm... Does that mean you're actually... A GIRL?!"
He was making his way to the oven when I said that. He froze, turning to look at me with disbelief. "EH?!"
I bowed. "SORRY LULU! I only date guys!"
"NO, N/N! IM A BOY!" He extends his arms to pull me into a hug. "I love youuuuu!"
My fave turns Crimson, "I-I love you too..."
"Shishishi!" Luffy gives me a peck on the cheek before letting me go. "Let's start baking!"

I raced over to the fridge to get some eggs and butter. I didn't know how much to grab so I grabbed the entire carton of eggs and butter. I looked over at Luffy. He was putting some weird yellow liquid into the mixing bowl then pours a crap ton flour. I shrugged, looks about right. Since I had eggs and butter I walked over and set them down next to the bowl. Luffy blinked uneasily at the egg carton.

"Do we just toss all of it in... Or only put the insides?" He thought aloud.
"The insides!" I shouted. "Ne... How much do we need?"
Luffy looked at his fingers and began counting. "Seven!"
"Yes sir!" I opened the carton and took out seven eggs.

Carefully I cracked open one egg and tried to only let the inside of the egg into the bowl. This is hard! It's going to take foreverrrr! Luffy took the butter container and plopped a spoon full of it into the bowl. I was on my fourth egg. Luffy didn't bother to say anything, he just watched silently as I finished up my last three eggs.

"Yosh! Now we mix!" He fist bumps the air.
I looked at him and froze. "Oi... How are you covered in flour and butter?!"
"Eh?" He looked down at his clothes, "HAAAH?! N/n! Am I dying?!"
"Wait-WHAT?!" I tackled him to the floor. Holding his hands next to his head I examined him. "You--you don't seem like you're dying!"
He let out a sigh of relief. "Ne... Shouldn't this be the other way around?"
"Hm? What do you mean?" I let go of his wrists and sat on his lap instead of his abdomen.
"Ah, never mind. I like this position more." He sits up and nods with approval.
My face flushes with color, "LULU! You're such a perv!"
"Whaaaat?? I am not! I'm a meat lover!" He giggles.
"So you're not a N/n lover?" I pouted.
His eyes widened as he looked at my pouty face, "AH, WAIT! IM THE NUMBER ONE N/N LOVER!"
"Yay!" I lunged forward and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

Oh. It tastes like butter this time... My tongue slid across his bottom lip. I feel Luffy lean closer and slide his rough hands around my waist. My hands moved from his shoulders and up his neck to where I started to gently tug at his dark hair. Before anything got too heated I slowly and unwantedly pulled away.

"Hmm..." Luffy's lidded eyes looked up at me. "Why did you pull away?"
"We have to bake the cake. Duh." I pushed myself up from his lap. "It's your idea, we'll see it through."
"I don't wanna to bake anymore! I want more of you N/n!" He whined.
He shot up and wrapped his rubbery around me, "But it's the truth!"
"Let's just finish baking the cake and maybe we can have some alone time later!" I furrowed my brows determinedly at him.
"Yahoo!" He cheered.

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